lies women tell

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Sometimes women tell lies jus to avoid an agrument. Its better to keep it a secret than upset the other person.
Resha said:
Sometimes women tell lies jus to avoid an agrument. Its better to keep it a secret than upset the other person.
Some Men are the same way so don't get it twisted. :wink:
But not all of it is hiding to save your skin is it, it just isn't full disclosure, alot of people feel the need to be "honest" and bring up all kinds of crap in their relationship. Stuff that is better left unsaid that now become big issues. If your guilty conscience is bothering you keep it to yourself, no need to drag down your partner. If you know you need their input to deal with it and its affecting the relationship then you tell. Just don't go blurting out crap and creating issues, stuff like that hurts deeply, turns people minds off, no one has to hear bad news if they don't ask for it.
true, women love to play on men's emotions to see how far they will go, they use thier own experiences on getting hurt and try to turn things around to thier benefit, i think lying is part of a girlfriend/wives duty !!!
Then if it is that's what your saying then its okay for men to lie then to keep away an argument. Men and women are jus the same in feelings and no one have the upper hand i think a relationship should be open to both and don't matter what the truth maybe it should be said if necessary not because you are afraid it may cause an argument
Alot of argument isn't required to resolve problems. People are just such drama queens sometimes.
The truth is always nessasary. But as much as people think full disclosure is a wonderful thing it can actually destroy someones faith in humanity. I'll say what I said the right way. "If it's killing you but not your partner, keep that $#4t to your #==*@ing self. People say extremely hurtful things under the guise of "truth". Only to clear their own conscience without consideration to if their partner could bear such news.
we don't lie in everything we say or promise but... for our own reasons ... I've never met anyone totally honest female. Think about it . Name one person you know well who has never lied or avoided the truth in front of you. Everyone lies, I lied to my parents. I lie when I feel its in my interests, Its an unfortunate side of human nature!!!
Yup a sad one too lol . Is there such a thing as a white lie?
For me honesty is the best policy. Yes i know some things are better unsaid but i think if you know its going to hurt the person but its about something you did thats wrong there is not covering up for yourself. Its better to tell the truth and hurt them than lie. You just being selfish
yeh yeh yeh i hear u all, hey wat d hec life is gd so LIVE IT UP!!! ( ah cant win) D TRUTH WILL SET U FREE!!!
women lies comes wit an expiration date unlike men lies are brought up at a woman's convince or partly what needs to resurfaced at that monent
Hahaha. Most women have convenient amnesia, when they choose to forget certain events to maintain their argument.
always look in dere eyesssssssss an u'll c ah difference but yuh still woun't know wen dey lying!!!
TFM said:
Hahaha. Most women have convenient amnesia, when they choose to forget certain events to maintain their argument.
Quite to the contrary, women are like elephants. they never forget anything. they save up things to argue about... they choose when to release such information to the detriment of the guy who's getting the tongue lashing. lol!
women realy don't look u in d eye wen dey lyin an always looking down or elsewhere, an her voice does tremble!!! d speed she does talk, rapidly an changes from subject to subject touching d nose an scratching her ears!!! some ah dem keep smilein, dats one ah d gift we men b careful for u dont know wen, where, what, whom, why...... :evil:
lol.....dais like ah phantom wen dey start to cry.....i eh able wit d cryin scene....
Hahahahaha AGREED. I don't like to see girls is their ultimate weapon!
girls prey on guys weakness, yes we kno it!!! it makes me sick to c dem young girls have dem fellas like u c dat cryin, callin dey fone to pick were d man dey an askin if "u still luv meh" all d time.....nah...
lol......and was wit d indecisiveness.......if dat is ah word....