kids today

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Well lets say i'm more comfortable and honest with complete strangers on the web. Well as long as i have some anonymity lol, like if i knew you guys outside of trinispice i'd be alot different.
There isn't anyone in my family right now who knows me, the real me, extremely well, some friends may know more.
It's like the girl said before no one knows her, she may be right. I think it stems from her not being able to actually grow into a close, loving, relationship with her parents. They may live in the same place, have something resembling an emotional connection but it ends there. They may not know or bother to take her wants and desires into account because somewhere along the line she's begun to have less meaningful conversation with her parents. Less valuable information is communicated. She needs to tell someone but if her parents are proven to be less than receptive or uninterested she'd try elsewhere. She just needs someone to listen, the web seems full of opportunities for self expression, it gives the impression that someone out there is listening.
Yupp i totally agree but i will neither share my info on the web my hi5 has no info no pics neither my facebook....girls nowadays are easily targeted and some people take their pics most importantly and edit it and post it up on site such as Triniphoto...You can trust the web but to an extent...
Yeah my hi5 has pictures but they are altered the only real unaltered pictures of myself on the web are on trinimobile and here. lol.
People who are completely open on the web are putting themselves at risk. I've always remembered the things i hear about online security- and i'm a guy. It's concerning how many vunerable people are out on the web. Some make it too easy to become prey for some sick mind. Its better to be safe, so not everything about me will place on the web. Only vague ambiguous stuff nothing personally identifyable but it doesnt mean i dont feel the way i say i do when i might put stuff up stuff i wont share with my parents.
there are individuals who have a very close relationship with their parents... they tell them everything but i still have to wonder if those individuals are honset to their parents... I love my folks but I could never tell them everything that's going on in my life.....Either its too personal, to much of a problem for them or i jus need my space... IS there anyone you all know who actually have a very close relationship with there parents?
Yes one girl up by us..turns out she and her mom is bffs and her mom only wants her to hav a bf when she got one he ended up getting her pregnant and she is married now
I was watching oprah once and the guest said you can't always best friends with your kids. At first i didn't get it but when i noticed how much some parents suck up to thier kids- i finally realised what they meant. Some people spoil thier kids when they try not to piss thier kids off. I mean there are some things kids just should not expect thier parents to say yes too but strangely enough some parents do. Maybe they think they'd be less cool or something lol I mean parents are the boss but you wouldn't know that by watching some people. You can love, adore and respect your kids as much as possible but if your the parent you should always have the final say- simply you have more wisdom and life experience. You should always know whats best for your kids- especially since its possible they dont.
Even though they say parents are the boss, sometimes I feel today's kids have more say in the home! Imagine teenagers cursing their parents and threatening their lives ... It could be because of working parents who are never home, single parent....Sometimes we blame our parents for the way we are today but who do we blame when we do the bad things???? Ourselves!!!!
The way life is today is the way our kids live in it.....

A major impact the way we brought up our kids, is society... Parents have so must to do but when it comes to society, how do we guide them to do right.... The fast growing pace of technology, media, role models, all have a say in the way we all were brought up....
True all we can do is keep doing our jobs as best as possible from when your child is young eg. Talking to them, advising them, teaching them manners, Always be there for them, Implement Rules for them, Be strict when it comes to certain things, Do not give them the right to rule u and have their say etc.
Cellphones in school

Students in school as early as Primary Level have cellphones.... I personally don't think that is right... What is the need of a cell phone in school...Some may say emergency but i say that's crap.
Years before when cell phones was not in as yet, people would use the landline in case of emergency. I see cellphones as an obstruction in school... What are you views?
Yes i think so as little 5yr old cuzin hav a cellphone amd ask her for what?? She jus wanna play the snake game on it wtf :icon_exclaim: infave all my cuzins ranging from the age of 5-13 hav cellphones badder than mines ..sigh* i think thats a waste of money u can take that and put it in the bank to save for their future
Sometimes it's not about saving money but the idea of having a cellphone in school...Its distracting.....
There was a five year old boy in a bus carrying a knife intended to kill someone ...this was reported in Florida... Do you think the age of children is changing when it comes to adapting to society..I see all the time... Young as five and below... parents are proud to hear their children cursing at that tender age....they say its cute... To date i never use such words in front my parents....
Neither Me I Hav never spoke rudely to my parents not even anwser them back in the most tempted times. Some children even rule their own parents and i see that for myself they can let them children treat them so gawd !
When parents are not home supervising their kids, thats when they( the kids )take over!!!!!

I would really like to hear from the guys .... Do you all speak rude at ur parents..??
Are you a guy karina lol, anyways i does be rude sometime i does not cuss but i don't like o be wrong, sometimes i does be wrong and i does over do but but thats a another case. But sometimes they can really piss you off
What makes you so angry to talk to your parents rude?
Hi Mr Admin you didnot answer my question... I need to be in your head!!!!
admin said:
Are you a guy karina lol, anyways i does be rude sometime i does not cuss but i don't like o be wrong, sometimes i does be wrong and i does over do but but thats a another case. But sometimes they can really piss you off

So do you have my answer for me Admin.....