kids today

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Active Member
Jun 10, 2008
hey guys i deal with kids daily and still cant understand them ,teachers need parents help ,come on youths shape up the future has alot to offer so stick around longer,life is great live it up .thanks laterz :)
It has been noted that children today admires and worship gang leaders in their community...
The government has failed our children as role models.... Not even their representatives for the area shows any concern for our children... Kids as early as six years old knows about weed, sex ,lyrics to very inapporiate songs etc.... For those who have children or younger sidlings please guide them the right part.........
If sometimes a child grows up with out a parent or has one or the parent is not their so the child may engage him/her self in a group and he may call this his family even if the group are criminals
Alot of young children stray from their family when the parents are absent..... Yes they do turn to bad influence but its never too late to try to help them and make a difference in their life....
Sometimes they forget the alternatives in life. Thats why when those in authorities try to force people to change they rebel, they dont know any other way.. All we really need to be reminded that there are positive options available. Some just dont know that.
Two young girls ages 14 and 12 both sisters ran away from home and now the mother is pleading for their return... She is a single parent who works as a attendant at a NP station... The mother said that her 14 year daughter is a "problem child"... Somehow i don't believe this story... The mother could be lying jus for her children to return home and the situation would still be the same...Most parents who are single parent have difficult times when it comes to upbringing their children... But they must pay attention to every single thing their children do... Im sure those children ran away for some good reason but then i could be wrong too...
Once we start labeling children as "problem child" and "trouble makers" you already showing that you are giving up on them. I dont care how bad you feel about a child, as long as they are at certain levels of maturity you have the right to try and help them. If the child know that the mother thinks that way it will become harder and harder to convince her, the child, that the mother has her best interests at heart. If she was an older she would be more aware of her faults but if this is the only way her mother can deal with it the child will be turned off. Parents dont realise how much influence they still have in thier children, when they get angry and say all kinda things this affects thier children in negative ways. Just the way you ask them to do things like chores or homework could affect emotionally fragile children the wrong way. Children expect peace and security from thier parents but parents have a way of offloading thier stress on children... and thats not fair.
Alot of it is unfounded too, some people have some strange ideas about thier children and come to some far out conclusions about the way the children are. I guess it all boils down to how well you know your child, not just knowing things about them, knowing and talking to them in helpful ways. People who dont know thier children will always assume the extremes, either thier child extremly good or extremely bad... one thing for sure they're always wrong.
Update on those two girls: they were found but the police didnot give any details on the wareabouts of their findings neither their mother ... Doesn't that sound a bit strange...
A Trini girl 15 years i think,living in the States got or drop out of school their and took a plane to Triniadad without the consent of her parents ..... Reports were made for the the missing teen but was evently found in High Street San Fernando in the early morning..... What the hell was wrong with that girl........... Too much nice life in the States may be!!!!!!!!!!!
apparently she does not pull too good with her folks so she came down to her sister in Trinidad....
went to get KFC and ended up going to some fete with friends .... did not tell anybody... and she was picked up by the police in the early morning the next day..... I think she will be charged for wasting the police time etc
LOL...thats sad i think the states had nothing to offer know according to Raucous the states hav issues too but also i think she had issues with her parents...I know a girl living in Florida..movied there at the age of ten living there 6yrs and threatened her parents if they dont let her go back to Trinidad she wud kill herself everyday she cries and wants to come back..right now she's being counselled and thing..sometimes parents need to listen to their kids and if they don't ..they cud loose them..Parents become parents bcuz of their kids and kids become kids because of their works two ways not one !
Parenting is such an important role... I do hope when we reach that stage of raising children, we do the right thing...........
Resha said:
apparently she does not pull too good with her folks so she came down to her sister in Trinidad....
went to get KFC and ended up going to some fete with friends .... did not tell anybody... and she was picked up by the police in the early morning the next day..... I think she will be charged for wasting the police time etc
Resha said:
A Trini girl 15 years i think,living in the States got or drop out of school their and took a plane to Triniadad without the consent of her parents ..... Reports were made for the the missing teen but was evently found in High Street San Fernando in the early morning..... What the hell was wrong with that girl........... Too much nice life in the States may be!!!!!!!!!!!

I hav some info on this.............

This is the same girl i was talking about didn't realize it was the same person Lol
Her name is Felesha And she's 16 That recently broke up with her bf in trinidad which is my good friend Ricky..Apparently she hates being in the Us and hates her life and wanted to stay in Trinidad so she lied and said she was going to sleep over by her friend when actually she went in a fete and never returned until they found her in Sando....That real sad !
How could your friend "Ricky" be involve in a long distance relationship.........Does that really work???
Long distance relationship!!!!! Did she recently moved their because for her to not like it means she recently moved their.... If she had moved at an early age then thats a next thing.... Parents really don't take there time to listen to there children.... They always assume what ever they say is the right thing, however that may be true but not all times...
Well she visits trinidad like every holiday or so or when her school have day offs or some sort i dunno but its a yearly thing..NO She moved there when she was 10yrs old and he hated it from the start.. Ricky is a nice person and yes it worked for them bcuz she used to come down regularly but never wanted to go back..Visit her HI5 Profile and read her journal that shud give u some evidence! ... ofile-html
Wait to make it easier look her journal rite here VVVV

A little girl at the age of 10...
Arriving in a place she knows nothing about...
Falling asleep with tears in her eyes every night..
Her only hope to return to her country is to do a crime or beg her parents to let her go back...
But nobody ever understands her...
Now, she has reach the age of 15...
She's been in the country for 5 years...
5 longggggg, horribleeeee years...
Now, she has her family, friends, and even a great boyfriend...
But none of them knows exactly how she feels...
She is more alone in this world, than anybody can ever think or believe.
Most mornings when she wakes up, her face and pillow is stained with tears..
She knows where she belongs, and she belongs in a country, a country call trinidad...
She has an accent and she was made fun of because of it, and she can never forget that...
She has very low self esteem, which makes her think that she is so ugly that she isn't worth anyone's time...
Everyday she just begs god to take her away from this horrible life of hers...
Nothing will ever make any sense to her..
And everyone in her life deserves alot better...
She just wants all the pain and suffering to end.. for her.. her family.. her friends.. her boyfriend.. and her life...
Karina you stalker!! jk.
Wow i wonder if the parents even know they could've just checked her hi5. It strange she'd trust the nuts on the web with that info but struggle to talk to her parents. Terrifying... but alot of kids are like that... including me.
RauCous so you trust the www rather than ur parents???? Y