Keith Rowley Under Fire

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Jun 9, 2008
There is a heated discussion on social media over posting of pictures with Keith Rowley dancing and grinding with a 17 year old young girl named Ravina Rampersad.

People are saying that this has stained his character for the upcoming general elections where people want to vote for a family man and not someone who takes his marriage for a joke and using carnival as an excuse for behaving as such. They are also saying that while people are bashing our Prime Minister for drinking alcohol, they should look at the leader of the opposition party. Feminists are also saying that leniency or ignorance of this matter is showing that we live in a Sexist country where many bash our female prime minister for drinking alcohol but will pardon and protect a Male Politician who is in the lead for this same position when he was photographed dancing with a 17yr old girl who can be his grand daughter. They are also saying that Keith Rowley should of kept a strict profession and allure on the road as he is an upstanding man in the country who is married.

HOWEVER , Others are saying that Keith Rowley did nothing wrong and was simply enjoying himself and welcoming anyone who wanted to have a dance or take a photograph of him.
They are also saying that this is carnival time and the season to enjoy themselves and Keither Rowley was doing such. The last statement was that he should not be judged by this in anyway relating to politics.

The photographer who snapped the photo of the duo is now under threats from the public. He claims that he was merely doing his job by capturing the wonderful mas being displayed and he was in no way trying to convey anything.

Posted Below Are Some Of The Photos Taken Of Social Media




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Trinis' priorities are totally screwed.

I envy Mr. Rowley: I gave nor received a single wine for the season!

When former President Max was doing the same (especially at Fatima Fete) how come it wasn't an issue?

Even duncy and corrupt politicians need to relax too (I refer to ALL), as much as I hate to admit it.
This is why i don't vote.. Politicians need to stop this bashing and focus on the COUNTRY! NOT EACH OTHER!

On the newspapers it said Rowley was very "accommodating" to everyone ... The girl felt accommodated and started to dance with him. lol
I think all the finger pointing is expected regardless of who does what, as long as you're in the public's spotlight. The only surprising thing really was that he wasn't deemed an alcoholic with the drinks in his hand as Kamla was. I think it's all hypocritical, trivial, and ultimately pointless as I'm sure pictures of others doing the same thing were liked or brushed aside.
My thoughts: Why the big fuss, we alreAdy know how it works out here.
I'm more of a conspiracy theorist on the matter...I'm kinda leaning towards the girl intentionally doing it, anticipating that the outcome would be like this. Whether you intended to make Mr. Rowley look bad or just wanted to score some popularity points....who knows....I mean just look at Dana Alleyne, at 14, gyrated on Akon and now she's internationally known and a model...
I can see that Manga. Look at how Kim Kardashian propelled to stardom because of a sex tape. A lot of popular people get to where they are/want to be by engaging in promiscuous and questionable activities. I would note though that this girl is already a model and due to Rowley's public status, it's very likely she knew exactly who he was and decided to engage regardless. Not all those in these situations are helpless victims as Dana was portrayed. In this case, I would say all parties were most likely looking to have some typical Carnival fun.
I see no issues with Rowley taking a wine from this girl, and I know this girl as she used to attend a school mutual to myself.

she is a very friendly cool person who likes to have a lot of fun!

how was Rowley supposed to know she was 17? another thing was that he was not with his wife while going down with the band etc.

so what? this is Trinidad, even though I have a hatred for carnival , most Trini's including ministers will break away!

I love the example being brought up with President Richards, he used to enjoy himself quite a lot when partying.

however the people of Trinidad as well as those in authority have blown everything out of proportion, and now there is racial segregation and discrimination ever more present, not to mention the religious attacks on the Hindu community that have been brought up during this entire carnival controversy
Our politics have been degraded to nothing. It is a joke and always have bachannal. For a small country, we need to focus more on the tasks at hand.
@shadow i too thought they would have looked at Rowley the same like they did Kamla for drinking, however, as i said Trinidad to sexist! Men can drink but totally wrong for women! Steups!
Well Kamla is also bad for being religious now so idk what to say about Trini politics again.
Trini politics is not politics. Its a game to discredit everyone to come out on top so people will love them and excuse them for thiefing out all the money and riding the system for what its worth while giving back nothing to the people.

I agree with Mr.Bollywood too, the state of society with regards to topics such as race has been heightened out of proportion, I am wondering whats left to be said...
Personally I don't support either parties, both are corrupt, however PNM really pisses me off because all they talk about is the corruption in UNC. All they focus on is discrediting UNC, while I've never once heard what they're going to do for the people. On the flipside, UNC just giving PNM thing to talk about....smh.
To tell you the truth, I can't remember the last time I paid any attention to Trini news. I don't see much difference from the news being conducted by professionals and the drama gossiped by students in high schools any more.