Jearlean Thanks God After Car Crash

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Former managing director of the Housing Development Corporation Jearlean John yesterday thanked God for sparing her life after being involved in what she described as a “serious vehicular accident” in Mayaro on Thursday.

The white Kia SUV vehicle John, the deputy political leader of the United National Congress was driving was written-off.

“I could have faced death yesterday. It was pretty serious. It was really chaotic. I am so thankful…grateful. God is good. I am living to see another day,” John said yesterday in a telephone interview, while on her job.

John said she was heading to Point Galeota around 7 am to pick up work at her employers Hydrotech when on approaching the Mayaro Fire Station a maxi stopped on the left. She said she saw no warning.

John, who was driving behind the maxi, said she proceeded to overtake on the right “but the maxi driver was actually turning in the same direction I was going.”

John said her SUV and the maxi taxi collided. She said he vehicle slammed head-on into an electricity pole.

Photos of the damaged vehicle surfaced on social media which John said he was surprised to see.

John said the SUV belonged to Hydrotech where she has been working for the past five months as a consultant.

“The impact deployed the airbag in the SUV and that is what saved my life. If that vehicle was not strong the news could have been different yesterday. ”

John said her co-workers who drove on the same route to get to work and saw the accident stopped and rendered assistance.

“A group of young men came to help me out of the car. Trinidad is a wonderful place with good and caring people.”

John praised and thanked the staff at the Mayaro District Health Facility who quickly attended to a superficial wound on left leg and a blow to her chest.

“They should put Mayaro District Health Facility in Port-of-Spain to serve the public because their health care service was fantastic by the doctors and nurses. The doctors checked my vitals and said everything was good.”

Nursing her injuries, John did not go to her St Ann’s home to rest after the accident, but went to work as usual.

“I came to work today but I am not feeling to well. I will bounce back.”

The matter was reported to the Mayaro police.