Jail for sex 'beast' WTF


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
What Is wrong to people in this country are they this sick omg, the judge who ran this trial i commend him but he should have given him 100 strokes or more what beast

Mother, daughter raped during robbery
Joel Julien jjulien@trinidadexpress.com

Tuesday, June 10th 2008

A 33-year-old man, who robbed and repeatedly raped a mother and daughter, was yesterday jailed for 20 years and ordered to receive 20 strokes with the birch.

Jason Farfan appeared before Justice Herbert Volney in the Port of Spain First Criminal Court and was found guilty by a nine-member jury.

Before passing sentence, Volney looked at Farfan and said, "We are made in the image of God, but with your deed I have seen the face of evil."

During the trial, the court heard that on August 22, 2003, Farfan and two accomplices entered the family's Valencia home armed with guns and cutlasses around 9 p.m. The trio first robbed three female occupants of hundreds of dollars worth of jewelry and money. Farfan then raped the mother in front of her family and raped the woman's 17-year-old daughter in the yard. Both mother and daughter were raped over a period of more than five hours.

Farfan was the only one of the trio to stand trial, as the mental health of one of his cohorts is under review, while the third was killed in a shoot-out with police.

Volney told Farfan that "he never came across a heinous crime as this" and if any crime deserved "natural life" in prison, this one did.

Volney added that the mother's other children were correct in describing him as a "beast" during testimony, not only because of what he did, but how he did it.

However, apart from the graphic nature of the crime, Volney said "once there is life there is hope" and sentenced Farfan to 15 years hard labour for each of his three counts of aggravated robbery, and 20 years for each of his two counts of sexual intercourse without consent. The sentences are to run concurrently. Volney also ordered Farfan to receive 20 strokes with the birch, 10 each for the robbery and sexual offences.

Although Farfan stood emotionless in an all-white outfit, a female relative sitting in the public gallery screamed out and ran out of the courtroom in tears.

Volney also found time to salute the mother-daughter duo for their courage and bravery in reporting the matter to the police. He also praised the jurors, which consisted of four women and five men, for their "great courage" in delivering a verdict.

Before Volney passed sentence, State Counsel Aden Stroude asked him to consider the sexual assaults "epidemic" which is currently plaguing the country. Stroude said a strong message must be sent so sexual predators will know "that young people are to be left to grow in peace". He added that Farfan's case was a "test case" and the "public should see that we take these crimes seriously".

Senior Counsel Jeron Joseph represented the State, while Frank Peterson represented Farfan.
People like them should have their private areas removed thats how things should be you rape someone face the consequences
i say start back killin ppl for these crimes....but we hadda make sure that they really did it...
for taht we need to have good police and labs to test fuh DNA and ting
yuh guilty yuh dead.....yuh givin the person 24hrs to get his appeal to privy council...if not yuh dead wen 24hrs up
Why kill him they absolutly love sex offenders in prison. There'd be lots of action for him there, lot of sex er... i mean rape. As much as he wants.. even more.
Keep in mind that manslaughter only gives 5 years on average.
Wat he did was sick & he deserves to be hanged or something. too much rape going on in the country now. the justice system needs to make the consequences more harsh cause apparently its not harsh enough to deter people from raping. everyday we hear about someone getting raped either on the news or on radio. the penalties for such an act should be making them suffer for the rest of their life.
aaronb27 said:
Wat he did was sick & he deserves to be hanged or something. too much rape going on in the country now. the justice system needs to make the consequences more harsh cause apparently its not harsh enough to deter people from raping. everyday we hear about someone getting raped either on the news or on radio. the penalties for such an act should be making them suffer for the rest of their life.

I Think Once someone is guity they should lock him up with a group of gay men then everyday cut out piece of his body until he bleeds to death or if he still alive chop out his head and i will personally do it
I'm calling ST Anns. :(
You guys dont realise that you're actually supporting the kind of behaviours that put these people in prison. If you condone this in any sense you're actually agreeing that treating people like this is in a good or acceptable thing. If it was it wouldn't be illegal. In middle eastern states the penalty for such sex crimes is stoning, beheading or death by firing squad. All of these punishments\derrants are in accordance with human rights conventions, they are mostly considered humane.
You'd say that the victims weren't treated humane either but to administer the punishments some people suggest you'd have to be even more sadistic and evil as they are, just as bad as you perceive them to be. To some no amount of punishment will fix or modify anyones behaviour, it wont cause real change and wont fully repay for the crimes they committed.
Deterrants wont modify criminals behaviour, most of what it does is suppress the motivation to do evil- it doesn't make the evil go away. Criminals will always have criminal intentions and tendencies, just because it doesnt show doesn't mean the potentail isn't there. When the man with the big stick isn't around they will manifest thier true nature.
The thing is to prevent people from becoming so depraved and to failitate changes in behaviour that would prevent people from committing such acts.
All i hv to say is wat is the world coming too :icon_sad:
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