Is The World Comming To An End?

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Jun 9, 2008
Jed i hear how my friend relative went to the pundit and he say how the world gonna end within nex 5yrs...and plus i hearing numerous people saying that in Revelations this is all fortelling it self like government heads fighting one another, people of the same religion fighting against on another, horrific crimes etc and that in the las pages of the bible..peeps what do you this really true? :wacko:
I hear about that too some man prophesize that the world would end on the 12/12/2012
They have a movie on 2012 coming out later this year. :)
Yeah the work will end soon. but dont belive people who say they know the exact date. Especially if they're christians. Real christians dont set dates.
The mayan civilization is one who put the 2012 12 21 the winter solstice i think.. as the end this corresponds with some other cultures like monks in the himalayas.
Why do people make the world ending such a scary thing.. it doesn't have to be.
Is the world coming to an end? Yes it is! Will you be alive when it does? Probably not. Read Revelations in the Bible...All has not yet come to pass. there are still some events that's going to happen. But yes...the world will and is coming to an end!!! If alyuh feel the world is messed up, wait till you read about future events..Read revelations! make ur own conlcusions.
There is a whole documentary on the 2012 thing on youtube.Basically its about planet X crossing the path of Earth's orbit and the catastrophe it could have if it pass to close to earth,there's also some thing called the web bot project that predict some bad will happen in 2012 and some of its past predictions came through and so some people believe in it,one of the next predictions it made is that before this year is half way up there is going to be a major coastal event that will cause destruction,hmmm
To me only God know when the world will come to an end and only time will reveal it to us.
i read revelations, it was a bit confusing, but hmm i dont doubt it, just the other day i was looking into this with all the predictions that Nostradamus made, he said that george bush was supposed to be assassinated? anyway its to much to explain what i read

but...if you think you could handle reading it for yourself..

[i was pretty freaked out]
lol nostradamus is way to.. waaay too figuratively broad to be certain what anything means.. if it was self consistent it would've been easier to tell if it was real or not. I think of it as one big horoscope vague and ambiguous enough to fit most of possible history. I find the mayan prediction more plausible because they have a system that is literally set in stone. Enough of their predictions match up.
Revelation is consistent with itself and the books of daniel and the rest of the bible. Nostradamus is too scatterd for me to take it seriously. I guess he doesn't provide the multilayered connectivity or the actual sequence you get from older stuff.
to me, it seems impossible that the world could just come to an end but at the rate that global warming is increasing and all the pollution we creating, when things get extremely serious it would be too late to face the reality, i don't know if i should be scared, worried, or just ignore it.. **sigh.
You Cant Escape Death.. If The World Is Coming To An End Then So Be It.. Everyone Is Spreading Rumors About December 12th 2012... I Cant Wait For The Movie To Come Out In November.. That Is One Movie I Will NOT Be Missing...

Here's The Trailer..

First its Haiti
2nd Chile
3rd New Zealand
4th Japan
5th Australia Floods
6th Prediction................California??
Yes i believe the world as we know it is ending but it will bring a new and better world to come. The revelations are being reveled.
I sorry to say but i real frighten for this day ..i know all of us are but to be honest i not read to die yet sigh*
Well of all the things happening and corruption and natural disasters and much more we hearing in our society today i'm asking yall this do you now think the world is coming to an end?
Pope Benedict XVI has called on Christians not to pay attention to doomsday warnings that the world will end on December is some sayin we hav 1 mth to live....lets hear wat u guys tinkin!!!