Nagico? Wondering how are they compared to MotorOne?
TATIL IS THE WORST! 4 Years ago in traffic, a lady who was on the phone driving her Subaru mashed a hard brakes infront of my bother's van. My brother's screw for his number plate scratched the lady's bumper. They pulled aside and talked it out and my brother organized to pay her for her damages . It was an inch scrape for the two screws and he gave her $600 just because he didn't want any small talk as she was saying how she is a principal of some school etc.
Lo and Behold 2.5 years later a claim came up on our insurance that my bother hit a lady's car and that she suffered damages as her neck was in a cast etc. Tatil without consulting us , settled the amount with her insurance and long after and we are now finding out about it. My family got so angry. How can they even settle a claim when we didn't file a report or they didn't even have the decency to alert us? On to the next story ..
Last year to make it worst, on Christmas eve my father got into an accident when a man was also on his phone, broke a major road and crashed into the side of my father's truck when we was coming home from work. This was the junction right by the Longdenville Police Post. When they went to make the report, apparently the man's family is a police officer and in the report, gave my father wrong. How can you give someone wrong when they didn't wait to see if the coast clear and drive out into the major road from a street?? The man said that my father was vindictive of him and saw his vehicle and didn't stop. My father don't even know the man to begin with. Months later we received a call after the police report was cleared up. He went to the Chaguanas Police Station where the man was given wrong on all accounts. TATIL CALLED AGAIN, this time to alert us that a claim had been made on our personal vehicle for hitting a woman's car by the junction. The stupid person followed us home and took a number off another vehicle just to make a claim. Long story short the man was using his daughter's car and lied to say that our personal vehicle hit theirs. TATIL was already in progress of the report , not even consulting us again.
TATIL whyudoinit? So if i hated someone and knew their number plate and name, i could make a claim then? For such a big company, they are the worst set of unprofessional car insurance agents i have ever dealt with. They have a habit of calling us long after a claim has been made . They settled a claim without even asking for our side of the story or even a report. And to top it off , they were not even sorry about the entire thing. Our premiums have been raised for dotishness on your part for 2.5 years. We could of sued them but my parents are forgiving people. If only i could of handled those matters , TATIL would of surely be paying some serious money. We have since then learn our lesson and moved all of our vehicles to Beacon .
We have had it with TATIL. We had all our businesses with them but they lost it all. I am never dealing with them again!