Insurance Companies

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The Dude

New Member
Jul 5, 2015
Currently getting the run around from an insurance company for the second time this year. Has anyone covered only by third party ever have a good insurance claim experience?

Sent in all my documents a week ago and the only response I am getting from them is "We have received your documents". They giving my agents the same run around to :(
In the history of my family having some cars with third party, I remember one had a cracked windshield and it took some serious phone calls and firm tones to get it sorted out because the policy included windshield coverage.
Insurance companies eh c9ome out here to lose a cent. Whoever invented/created the idea of Insurance is brilliant. Biggest scam out there that has become a necessity and binds you legally.
Insurance companies eh c9ome out here to lose a cent. Whoever invented/created the idea of Insurance is brilliant. Biggest scam out there that has become a necessity and binds you legally.

I have said this too. Even with comprehensive they give trouble too.
Currently getting the run around from an insurance company for the second time this year. Has anyone covered only by third party ever have a good insurance claim experience?

Sent in all my documents a week ago and the only response I am getting from them is "We have received your documents". They giving my agents the same run around to :(

Can you post the name of the insurance company so we will know whats they are about, it will also help new insurance owners to get some reviews about them.
My agent is Guardian General and the person that crashed into me is insured with Colfire. We are both third party. I don't know how Colfire has treated him as he is their customer but they gave me and my agents runaround whole of today just to find out who dealing with my claim that they confirmed receipt of a week ago. In the end my agent had to call a favour from a friend in Colfire just to get the name. I don't know if they will treat their customers better though.

For me, I never had problems with my agent or with Guardian. They quick to give me a small bligh when I need it every now and then and they have helped me get through with my claims so far.

My last accident however was with Nagico. I recommend giving $10,000 to a random piper on Frederick Street before you think of going with them. Their insured crashed into the side of my car and they said I was half wrong. They took 6 months and about 30 visits to their office (I was going in and troubling them every day) just for them to pay me. They literally did nothing if I was not sitting in front of them at the time. They also lied to my face or tried to have me do unnecessary running around just to get me to drop the claim because the claim was really small.

If that's not bad enough, while I was there, a guy with full comprehensive coverage from them came in to make a claim and they basically tell him flat out he have to pay his deductible before he could get his van fixed ($8,000 deductible for $75,000 in damages). He said he wasn't wrong in the accident and shouldn't have to pay the deductible. They basically tell him the other insurance company say he was wrong as well and he will have to prove he wasn't wrong, by getting the other parties involved to admit fault in their report, if he didn't want to pay the deductible. Oh and don't let me get started on their attitude.
Kind of mixed feelings with this claim I am making now. Called and emailed whole of yesterday with no reply but I did get a reasonable reply via email this morning. So far this insurance company is neutral in my books. Not bad, but not good. I'll save all of the details for after the claim is settled.

At least they are not as horrible as Nagico that just flat out stopped taking my calls and replying to emails. They even refused to send an email to me just confirming what we spoke about when I came in to see them even though I sat there for about 30 minutes waiting for them to send a simple two line email. Then, every time I went in they came up with a different story about what they said last time.
Omg that sounds like horrible customer service. I have never even heard of Nagico so that must mean something LOL.

Colfire is a reputable, decentish company, you shouldn't suffer as much as with Nagico.
I had to Google to see if it wasn't a typo ? well yes Thy rell trouble you going through
Nagico? Wondering how are they compared to MotorOne?

TATIL IS THE WORST! 4 Years ago in traffic, a lady who was on the phone driving her Subaru mashed a hard brakes infront of my bother's van. My brother's screw for his number plate scratched the lady's bumper. They pulled aside and talked it out and my brother organized to pay her for her damages . It was an inch scrape for the two screws and he gave her $600 just because he didn't want any small talk as she was saying how she is a principal of some school etc.
Lo and Behold 2.5 years later a claim came up on our insurance that my bother hit a lady's car and that she suffered damages as her neck was in a cast etc. Tatil without consulting us , settled the amount with her insurance and long after and we are now finding out about it. My family got so angry. How can they even settle a claim when we didn't file a report or they didn't even have the decency to alert us? On to the next story ..

Last year to make it worst, on Christmas eve my father got into an accident when a man was also on his phone, broke a major road and crashed into the side of my father's truck when we was coming home from work. This was the junction right by the Longdenville Police Post. When they went to make the report, apparently the man's family is a police officer and in the report, gave my father wrong. How can you give someone wrong when they didn't wait to see if the coast clear and drive out into the major road from a street?? The man said that my father was vindictive of him and saw his vehicle and didn't stop. My father don't even know the man to begin with. Months later we received a call after the police report was cleared up. He went to the Chaguanas Police Station where the man was given wrong on all accounts. TATIL CALLED AGAIN, this time to alert us that a claim had been made on our personal vehicle for hitting a woman's car by the junction. The stupid person followed us home and took a number off another vehicle just to make a claim. Long story short the man was using his daughter's car and lied to say that our personal vehicle hit theirs. TATIL was already in progress of the report , not even consulting us again.

TATIL whyudoinit? So if i hated someone and knew their number plate and name, i could make a claim then? For such a big company, they are the worst set of unprofessional car insurance agents i have ever dealt with. They have a habit of calling us long after a claim has been made . They settled a claim without even asking for our side of the story or even a report. And to top it off , they were not even sorry about the entire thing. Our premiums have been raised for dotishness on your part for 2.5 years. We could of sued them but my parents are forgiving people. If only i could of handled those matters , TATIL would of surely be paying some serious money. We have since then learn our lesson and moved all of our vehicles to Beacon .

We have had it with TATIL. We had all our businesses with them but they lost it all. I am never dealing with them again!
That is ridiculous. Tatil looking to get sued big time. Also its interesting that people make such claims as well. They seem to be people who know how the system works and attempts to scheme are made.

Just now you need 4 dash cams yes, for an almost 360 field coverage.

The hard brakes scenario I could understand why he hit the lady car with the screw, sometimes people does stop rel dotish and have to pull off the road when you can't see in front them and doh know traffic stopping.

Also the man was on the phone in the second incident, its just his padna decided your father was wrong. That should have been submitted to the police complaints authority with the badge number.

What will Tatil do if someone makes a claim that you hit them and use one of your personal plates? Surely they need to address that system, you all made a wise choice to switch.
Wow I thought Tatil was actually good (good ads perhaps).

On a separate note. The adjuster said he should come check my bike 2moro. Hope things go well. No mention of who they deemed liable in the accident. However, no complaints so far since their initial delay. Will keep you guys posted.
I am giving thanks for never having problems. Maritime all the way. Good customer service, fights for who they cover and settle all claims quickly.
I thought insurance companies not supposed to work so. That once a claim has been made on a number plate , the said owner of that vehicle supposed to be alerted and problem addressed. My family always laugh when we bring this up because what response can we give again? I don't think there is a reaction for what they did to us !

Beacon is nice so far. We even gave us a payment plan on when we can payout our insurance for our vehicles. On some vehicles we even got up to 6 months. Very thankful for everything they have done so far .
Just an update. I got a call from Colfire on Friday and went in yesterday to sign the settlement agreement. They said I should be able to pick up my cheque on Friday Morning. Below is the timeline of my claim. Keep in mind I am not insured with Colfire, the person that hit me was, so this timeline is for someone outside of Colfire filing a third party claim (no full comp available on bikes)

Friday 10th July 2015 - Accident Occurs - 0 Weeks
Friday 17th July 2015 - All files submitted to my insurance agent (Guardian) - 1 Week
Monday 20th July 2015 - Files sent from my insurance agent to Colfire - 1.5 Weeks
Tuesday 4th August 2015 - Adjuster comes to view my vehicle - 3.5 Weeks
Friday 21st August 2015 - Contacted my Colfire to and informed of settlement amount - 6 Weeks
Monday 24th August 2015 - Signed agreement of settlement amount - 6.5 Weeks
Friday 28th August 2015 - Receive cheque - 7 Weeks

Considering how I have been treated by insurance companies in the past, I am pleased with the service received from Colfire. They ignored my calls when they had nothing to report (I was calling everyday) but in the end it doesn't seem like they gave me any run around.

Cheque in hand - 7 weeks after accident (tentatively)
Settlement of claim - 5 weeks after filing claim

Colfire gets my thumbs up.
Doesn't sound too bad at all.

Speaking of insurance. I saw a Nagico sign and immediately remembered this thread lol.
Yeah, that 6 months thing for a $6,000 claim that they end up reducing to $2,000 and constant run around was real crap. The lady also forgot to get me to sign the agreement. I only wish she had try calling me back. I would have made her come to my office everyday for 6 months and wait and hour for nothing.
Very well. Thumbs up to them, i am glad you got great service.
Yeah, that 6 months thing for a $6,000 claim that they end up reducing to $2,000 and constant run around was real crap. The lady also forgot to get me to sign the agreement. I only wish she had try calling me back. I would have made her come to my office everyday for 6 months and wait and hour for nothing.

Man I often wonder what they get out of being so difficult sometimes. Because of this thread I understand a lot more about Nagico, which to me was a previously gray company meaning I never knew about it.
Well I got my settlement cheque from Colfire today. They seem like a pretty good company. May actually consider going with them if their prices are cheaper.