In The Future...

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New Member
Jun 28, 2009
My kids always ask me about the future. they say "mommy what would happen next ten years, will we still be alive?"
So this is my question to all you trinispicers..what do you think would happen in the future?

i think there would be flying cars, less religious beliefs, more supernatrual findings, more crime and violence, world wars

what u think?
I agree with Raucous the worst is yet to come but one think i know for sure and its coming very soon is a day where their will be no more crime and no more evil i can't await that day
I cannot wait but you are forgetting More Natrual disasters, More Deaths , More Diseases, More Cures
this is scary guys, but i think most of the new innovations would be more advanced and automated by more robots, maybe even robots that can think on its own!! but yes I'm very worried about the future =/

[do you guys believe in the mayan doomsday 12/21/2012?]
I see the future exitsting beyond that. lol. The future doesn't have to be THAT bad.. not the human element of it but it pays to be prepared for any event. The only reason the world made it past the wars, disasters and disease was the fact that they saw beyond it. Even doomsdayists like me see possiblilties of good in the future. However it has to be laid down now.
I see lots of weird things happening in 2012 but mostly centered around people not nature or anything out of our control. (anyone want to see the movie? It coming september)
Technology will continue to grow faster that society's ability to make use of it.. That could actually be a good thing lol.