Imam Yasin Abu Bakr Is A Terrorist!

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Jul 25, 2015
So i see that people in Trinidad took my post about prisoners in jail and now it has become viral. Well i have a next controversial topic that i don't care what becomes out of it , Unknown Strikes Again! We all know the story about the Jamaat Al Muslimeen Coup on July 27th 1990. Today marks 25 years that this tragedy was not resolved. Today marks sorrow. Today marks death and injustice. Today marks horrible memories for some. Lastly, today marks 25 years that our government of Trinidad & Tobago has failed us as a nation.

I am asking the Obvious, why is this man even alive. Why is he walking? Why is he allowed on public platform ? Why should we citizens sympathize or empathize with a monster like that, who is responsible for killings, murder and thousands of money in damages. Why he is here? This man is a blatant terrorist and everyone knows it . It is public knowledge. Countries are laughing at us , how we cry and post up memories about loosing people during the coup and what a tragedy it was for us, but yet the man responsible is right in front our eyes. We are a sad joke of a country!

He is giving the Muslims of this country a bad name. Why is he allowed to even give speeches on behalf of the Muslim community here in Trinidad and every event happen he must have a public word?? Such a big hypocrite that he has done the worst type of sins in the Quaran but still praising Allah. God will never forgive him and will never condone this behaviour. Too much blood is on his hands. If this event occured in other countries, Abu Bakr was done rottening in the ground or given life improsionment.Jamaica even rejected him because they know what kind of person he is AND Jamaica is a country that is wost off than Trinidad in violence & crime rates. If Jamaica could see this , are we blind??

Prime Minister why is he still here? He deserves to be jailed for life or hanged or shot by a sniper in far range. End his life . His son FRAUD ABU BAKR ...(Sorry not sorry ) is a big sad man too , greedily eating the publicity that comes his way. Your father is a murderer, terrorist to our nation and deserves to die. Never try to justify what he did! No one in their right mind would organize a coup, and kill innocent civilians who have families and a life ahead of them. That was not a way to get public attention. You still have a father, but remember that some of us don't because of your same 'father' , ripped their lives away from us.

I hate Abu Bakr with a passion and every time i see him, i get angry how this man is allowed to walk like nothing happened. Like they expect us all to forget. Now he is a "Peace Maker " ?? One of my family member died, and it hurts that he never got justice, just a name swept under the rug. My friend's mother was rendered disabled because of this event. There are many who feel the same way that i do in this nation. But then again, its Trinidad & Tobago, where everything is a laugh and joke. Even criminals escaping from jail cells and we are told not to worry.

Many of you would not remember, but for those that do;
- Criminals were running free- There was looting - Rape- Murder- Poverty as there was a food shortage. Many suffered !
- People had to hide in their homes or relocate .- People families were injured and murdered. - There was chaos and people were devastated. - For some of us , it was the first time seeing our parents in total dismay.


114 Members of the Jamaat staged a coup.
42 Insurgents stormed the Red House, taking our parliament hostage.
ANR Robinson was also beaten and shot along with other members of parliament.
72 Members attacked public offices and the TTT with radio television 95.1 and Radio Trinidad 730 AM where they broadcasted to the public that the country government has been over thrown and they were negotiating with the army. Our entire country was declared Martial Law and it was all downhill from there. On the night of 27 July, the army took control of the TTT transmitter on Cumberland Hill, thus taking TTT off the air. After six days of negotiation, the Muslimeen surrendered on the 1st of August and were taken into custody. They were tried for treason, but the Court of Appeal upheld the amnesty offered to secure their surrender, and they were released. The Privy Council later invalidated the amnesty, but the Muslimeen members were not re-arrested. There were many attempts after this to try and bring justice for this country, but failed on all attempts.




Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday : : < Murder & Death Count
.....and 25 years later he is still a thorne on the a** of every administration of Trinidad and Tobago.

Personally, if it was me, as he come out of TTT with his hands in the air, the nation would have just seen his head fall off his body on national television. I should have been in the army.
A week ago I would have said that I would have settled for life imprisonment but after seeing how those fellas living it up inside there, it's clear that incarceration is basically the same as freedom for those people.
Yea well why you feel them fellas not afraid to go to jail? The life they live on the outside is the same they live on the inside.
Imprisonment is a paradise, they have very little worries it seems so its no wonder they don't fear it and obviously from that there can be no start to the end of the loss of power by authorities.
Actually I think they should use oxygen restriction. I think they replace the oxygen with nitrogen or something so you don't know that you are suffocating. Probably the most humane way to do it and can be done very cheaply.
That might be a very good idea, as hanging and other inhumane means of death are quickly fought by the human rights activists.
Not only that but it can be scaring for the executed's children to think about and may even foster bad feelings towards authority. Btw, I think you would call it death by Hypoxia. The youtube video below shows an experiment under controlled and monitored conditions where a test pilot induces a state of hypoxia on himself. Kind of eerie but very interesting to see the effects.

Well now that makes a lot of sense. You'll always have resistance by some bodies and people but death by hypoxia seems to be the best way to do it.
Someone please take a gun and shoot this man. Please hire an international sniper and put an end to his reign. He doesn't deserve to be walking in Trinidad or stepping up for any Muslims here in Trinidad. He is really a terrorist and a disgrace to the Muslim community. People are crying for the coup and reminiscing but the bastard responsible for it still walking.
I believe I've heard somewhere that the PM is outsourcing help to deal with this "terrorist/terrorism". I remember something about getting help from the USA to deal with it but I'm not so sure about that, I could be wrong though. If it does come to that our every action would be monitored and recorded. Some cleaning up may be done but I can't remember what happened to the people who the US government came for to hold responsible for the cocaine in the juice tins. Seems like everyone forgot.

I leave this with you. Potential Looter Disappointed Shootout Didn’t Escalate Into Full Scale Coup
Lol lateoclocknews with their sillyness. Yes alot of people were actually looking forward. So many lootings happened in the 1990 coup. There were pictures showing how people broke down the glasses of buildings and was seen running with stolen items.

We are left here wondering here if people love drama so much that they would rather a coup to loot and stay home and lime.
Lol lateoclocknews with their sillyness. Yes alot of people were actually looking forward. So many lootings happened in the 1990 coup. There were pictures showing how people broke down the glasses of buildings and was seen running with stolen items.

We are left here wondering here if people love drama so much that they would rather a coup to loot and stay home and lime.

If a coup does happen I'll be looting a microwave assuming it's a TV. Remember the original madman? He said for the coup he stood there in all the madness still with his arms folded watching everyone run wild.
I wish i could of made somekind of underground basement or fort that runs on its own electricity when this happens. I will be one happy camper !
A bunker you mean?

What you'd need is an underground fortress. Food could be freeze dried in a way that it could last up to 25 years. If you could get enough food and entertainment to survive you'd be good to go. Getting enough space underground for 25 years worth of food would be troublesome but worth it in the end.