I voting for Kamla :D


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I don't know but i rather Kamla run The UNC, we need a female leader in this country the males are getting power hungry as can be seen form the prime minister and the leader of the opposition
i think panday will win ...............but panday should step down and give kamal a chance .................i will vote for kamal
I will vote for Kamla too..Yes Panday is good and everything but Give Kamla a chance because she is the one who does atleast recognize our trini women in this country
I don't know yes but what about jack or ramesh? But i would rather Panday he has alot of experience up his sleeve and he would still be best suited for prime minister
I personally think that Panday should step down. Its about time. He is holding the party back. I support Kamla 100%. I used to always say, (years ago) that i would vote Kamla if she ever lead the UNC into elections. But i'm skeptical still. If she truly has the courage and spine to stand up to Panday, then she has my full support. Ramesh is not to be trusted. It's because of him the UNC lost government. Wasn't Ramesh the one that exposed the Piarco Airport corruption that lead to the subsequent fall of the UNC? He's a snake in the grass if yuh ask me. Jack..is ah smart man. He planning something from the start. All the money he spend on the party, didn't come free. He's up to something. His seeing that his initial investment is returned. one wayor the other.
Remember ramesh formed his Rainbow Party LOL that was some good years ago and it never made any progress. He in UNC just for being sake
Yeah you could say Ramesh have alot of experience he was in alot of parties lol. On the government side manning has alot of experience but look at his approval ratings lol. Panday could have all the experience in the world, i have no doubt that he's a political genius, but that dont mean he care bout me lol. We need UNC to pick someone who can bring in new members. Kamla is the least drama ridden candidate and hopefully she'd do her job instead of playing politics like the other two. She looking like the CHANGE candidate in this one.
Basdeo Panday is a great politician and has lots to offer trinidad still but everytime he starts
there's always someone destroying wat he and d UNC has done!!! BAS is ah real fighter
an will do every ting in his power to win an this time he will put d UNC back rite
i'm a financial member of d UNC an i will b votin for ................... lol
...........................................? Lol..This morning On the Morning News Bas Shit up the News Man
Are you mad that waste of time i feel i'm going to make a topic about that big waste of time lol
Basdeo Panday could very well be the houdini of Politics...it doesn't change the fact that his time has passed. He choking the party. People are only STILL voting Panday because they are either afraid of change. Of the three candidates vying for Political Leader, Kamla is the one I would rather have. It change. She has less scandals to her name. She has the ability to take the party forward. The old ways are not working and its time that the party changed its tactics.
Panday needs to wake up and smell the coffee. He has contributed alot to the country;yes. but now its time to hand over the reins. Which he will NEVER do. Panday IS UNC! When all there other options have been exploited and subsequently failed to get them into power, they are turning to the race card. They strive of that aspect of the human phsychi. He and he alone is responsible for the the mess the party is in now. He and Ramesh is the same in that aspect. they are both back-biters. He did it to Kamla before and Winston Dookeran. Who vex lost. I does talk plain.
Thats so true wispa Panday did back stab Wiston when he joined the UNC and he is backstabing Kamla right now. Just saying he win this internal elections how will kamla feel after Panday said some many stupid things about her.

You working for someone so long and all this time they were thinking the worst about you and because its internal elections he now wants to bring it up. Panday and Ramesh is both snakes and are both bancanalist they will backstab any one who gets in they way of full power.
So is the party hardcore Panday's hardcore. That scary. lol. But how could I doubt it? I worried that the Bas/ Ramesh rivalry or conflict will get people in such a stupor that they will forget Kamla even running. The two of them making so much fuss that people might choose one just to claim a viewpoint. I dont trust Trinis to not fall for the propaganda wars. Hopefully they'll see some sincerity in Kamla. I not sure if they lookin for that in a leader :[
We passed by the one in Felicity on our way home...it had alot of people

Siparia MP Kamla Persad-Bissessar said yesterday that she had no regrets about her decision to fight for the highest position in the United National Congress. And she believes no other candidate has the power to unite opposition forces and take the party to victory in the next general elections.

Persad-Bissessar is vying for the position of political leader against Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday and Tabaquite MP Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj in the January 24 internal election.

’Win, lose or draw I have no regrets. I have been guided by the voice of the people and I would continue to serve them. It is not Mr Panday’s decision to say whether I stay or leave the party. But when that time comes I would deal with that,’ Persad-Bissessar told the media before beginning a motorcade throughout Central Trinidad.

’We have the largest membership in Central Trinidad and I intend to go through the villages and make contact with the residents.’

The vehicles gathered at Derrick Road, Chase Village, Chaguanas, from as early as 8.30 a.m. Three music trucks blaring the latest soca and chutney tunes, tassa drummers, motorcyclists and vehicles plastered with ’Kamla for Leader’ stickers and orange flags lined the street. Persad-Bissessar mounted a white Hilux van and waved at supporters as she was journeyed through the borough.

Suruj Rambachan, who is contesting the position of deputy leader as an independent candidate, followed behind on one of the music trucks. Rambachan, former mayor of Chaguanas, has publicly endorsed Persad-Bissessar for leader of the UNC.

Persad-Bissessar said she was pleased with her campaign and was positive she would win.

’I am not allowing anything to keep us back. We had some problems with the list. I am a candidate and up to today I don’t have a list. But my campaign is clean. A smear campaign does not win, it is dealing with the issues,’ she said.
i went to Ramesh meeting sunday in prysal high an it was gd enough coz it had no bad
mouthin each other, although ah thinkin about Kamla for d position ah still feel Bas have ah ace up his sleeve, an Ramesh is my MP an he's d best ever attorney General trinidad had for ah while so u c ah real thinkin hard bout dis yes!!!
personally i think is time for pandy to step down, but d man like power, so somehow or another i think it will result in his favour. if kamla is boss i certainly votin fuh unc. but panday have tuh step down an retire
I really don't think panday winning the unc's internal election, Kamla has alot better character and Panday could try as much to destroy her character but surely Trinidad and Tobago is more sensible than that Right?
ppl in d country who talkin bout change, chance,change.....are dey financial members of d UNC, who want change vote for COP, dats all....Kamala is d best person for d position!!! yes i said it....ah votin Kamla on sunday, are u all votin or only makin noise!!! but ah in d motorcade saturday wit meh boy!!! we all UNC