How To Change Your Spark Plugs

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Jun 9, 2008
Most spark plugs need replacing after about 30,000 miles, but check your owner?s manual to see if your vehicle is any different. While changing spark plugs might sound like real work, it?s a pretty simple process. You just need to set aside some time and have a lil' patience. Don?t rush, because you need to install the replacements in a specific order.

  1. You should be able to locate your spark plugs fairly easily, because they?re attached to thick rubbery wires.
  2. You?ll find either four, six, or eight plugs, depending on how many cylinders your car has.
  3. Remove the wire to the first spark plug only. Do not remove all of the wires at once. Your spark plugs are installed in a certain order, which you need to maintain.
  4. Use your spark plug socket and extension on your ratchet to remove the first spark plug.
  5. Install the new spark plug, screwing it in by hand at first and then tightening it with a wrench for a snug fit. Do not over-tighten.
  6. Re-attach the spark plug wire.

Repeat these steps for each spark plug, one at a time. If you buy the right plugs, you won?t have to worry about ?gapping? the plugs, because they?ll come pre-gapped.


Sometimes spark plugs may hide under a plastic cover. If your engine is fitted with a plastic cover as is most modern engines, then you must remove the cover in order to gain access to the coil packs. Coil Packs are responsible for the transfer of electrical current from the thick ignition wires to the spark plugs. Usually, one screw holds each coil pack in place.

Also, it is wise to work on a cool engine as a hot engine can burn your skin or contribute to the threads which hold the spark plug in place stripping easier than if it were cool as the metal becomes softer when heated.

**Understand that the wires are not always "rubbery" and can sometimes be ran through a durable loom for insulation.

**Plugs can be gapped correctly using a spark plug gapping tool. Usually the specification for gapping is found in the owner's manual under the DIY Maintenance section. Should you opt not to use your manual, you can search online for the recommended gap for your specific engine.
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