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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I would like to thank everyone for registering and becoming an integral part of this forum.
So this questions Arises, how did you find out about

Did you find us on Facebook, Twitter, or word of mouth we would like to know. Please tell us.

We would like this info so we can promote the forum better.
i found you all on facebook. When i saw the site advertising i joined to check out the atmosphere . I have been here since then ! I love Trinimotors . Even though i may not know alot about automotive, there are other sections i can post here in :)
from another forum lol i was scrolling and saw this.......and decided i would make a account lol have been inside here alot since
I found out about it from another member who was very persistent in first getting me to join, and then in getting me to post lol
Facebook ads brought me here. Saw the massive potential and brilliant atmosphere and decided to stay.
Via a user's thread another forum. I nearly didn't stay because the user in question spoke ill of the users of the very forum he was trying to attract members from.

Admin was kind enough to quickly address my complaint when brought to his attention and this was enough to make me change my mind.
I am happy since.
Thank you all for this information, hoping more members will partake in this discussion.
found out about this forum via another forum , i took interest in this forum and immediately joined in hopes of becoming a member of staff to make a change and a difference in the forum environment!

trinimotors was a turning point for me , an alternative where better , more productive chats and discussions can be conversed with a little old talk in between!
i am very glad to meet members like you all..We are still a growing community so hoping to see alot more posts below :D
admin posted it on tuner for the first time, it was like 11pm so late night and I said hey let me join