How dark is too dark (Tinted windscreen)?

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The same problem happens with HID headlights. There's no specific specification that is stated in the law. What one officer thinks may not be what another thinks. Black cars with black interior must looks ridiculously dark at night and even during some daylight scenarios. The officers who are saying they don't care need to realize thAt if license officers allow the car to be licensed as is, they have nothing they can do.

Its like ticketing someone for fog lights when they have the letter stating the vehicle came factory fitted with it. They will instantly throw out a case like that.
This tint thing and officers annoying I wanted to re tint my car but i wanted it a bit dark as i think tint is the best deterrent to keep people from peeping inside you i have park up by a friend house a time and noticed a young lady walking pass my car watched inside it like she was looking for something like she lost it inside my car :/...good thing i have nothing in d open yes tint good but after i pay to put it on and be told to take it off is a major worry cause i have seen ppl with 35% been told i guess is to pray u get a officer who understanding n find it light like you
If peepers are your problem, keep everything out of sight so its out of mind. Get something to cover that fancy aftermarket radio so it doesn't attract eyes when parked.

The tint issue really is a nuisance but so far over a long period of time, no issues with tint. My truck has dealer installed tint, the car before that was done for us by a shop and was nice but never caused a problem.

Even had green reflective tint to match the colour of a car once and didn't have any problems. It wasn't extremely reflective, could still see inside but definitely did block a lot of light.

To be safe I say just try to keep a balance and do it in such a way that its possible to see people inside the car but not overly light. The privacy shades may not be a bad idea either.

Also, I remember hearing a story once where someone had bought a Lincoln and it came with tint inside the glass on the doors and the police told the man to remove it and he told them it came like that and they didn't want to hear it. Its only when he showed them the edge of the glass they realised he wasn't joking.
I don,t like to tint the windows of the car i Like the original windows and see through them is comfortable and also light comes with good sense.