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Jul 2, 2008
as the topic says i hav a problem....i have this friend rite who is like really suicidal and she says how everything is going bad and she sayin that she ugly an crap like that. Thing is that the girl is really pretty and well she only has a little bit of problems. I dont think she would really kill herself but she's a friend and i doh wanna take the chance. For the past month or so i trying to calm her down an cheer her up and well sumhow inbetween i tell her that i love her.....Who d ass tell me to say that...argh tonight while watchin wrestling she tex me an say she hav a being all polite an shit i ask wats wrong...turns out she now likes me.

Here's the real problem now.....I like her but she's a bit too young( almost 18) and well im really in love with somebudy...almost in a relationship and well i dont wanna mess that up for nothing......i need to find a way to stop whatever happening with this girl b4 its too late..i dont wanna hurt her feelings either.

EDIT: she's asking me to hav sex with her before she still a virgin an welll i doh wanna give that up jus yet yuh kno....especially to sum random person i barely like....she give me 5 days :S
ok by sum kinda miracle i get outta d sex part......YAY!! but i still hav to break up with her...cuz she thinks we together...HOWWWWWWWWW!!!
Oh snap...
Dude I'm so not qualified for this one..
Just remember watch your wording, everything you say needs to impress on her the real world. It's the fact that you care that has drawn her to you, you can use that to prevent her from suggesting anything to you that you wont do. You need to seriously distract her from any thought of you two being together. If you continue to only act like a friend towards her it will be easier. It what ever way you can you have to leak to her that this situation makes you uncomfortable, not her, just the current arrangement.. hopefully she'll begin to realise that this is hurting you, its one of the things that will cause her to modify her behaviour.
Where is Resha when you need her... she knows stuff.
well after talkin to her whole nite...i think im gettin her to think about her "ex"....that will allow me to get out of the "relationship" but it'll just bring her back to the point of her being suicidal :(
Ok i need you to read this carefully and understand it ok

this girl is going through a rough time in her life, and you always seem to be the one there to help her. Because of this, she have attached herself to you and she is fooling herself to the point that she thinks she is in love with you, but the truth about this situation is that you have become her comfort so she is afraid to lose you. This girl is not going to kill herself, she likes attention and she gets it in anyway possible. If she wanted to kill herself she would have done it by now because suicidal people tend to hate always having to live another day so she wouldn't have waited. What she is going through right now will only strenghten her and make her become a better person. You have to understand that she needs you in this situation because you is her comfort and if you were to take yourself out of it, it will make things worst.........and also you need to bring across the point that you love her but ONLY AS A FRIEND. She have to find happiness with herself before she could look for someone to love and then and only then when she finds her Happiness will she be able to add a companion to her life but tell her that she needs to find someone who will elevate her and add to her happiness. This girl have a low self esteem so you need to let her know that she is pretty etc..... :eek:

am always here to help, i know a good bit about this part of life lol!!!!!!!
^^^ Thats absolutely correct. Take notes EmpireKing :). I was like this once, i used to get too easily attached.. I finally realised it wouldn't be fair to the person if i kept behaving like that but was still comfortable being friends. Of course i never got that far.. but what realsweet said is basically it.
omigorm thats sum pressure dey!!!!!

man jus b a fren to teh girl......yur wordin and physical language says alot.....u have to b very careful how u treat people like this at this point in time.....when she calls and she starts with her suicide talk...politely change the topic to sumting more up beat ....funni...

arrange for a group of her frens or ullyuh frens to go out....
do things that will have her occupied....

and if she insist on killin herself then try talkin baout no doin it...
if she with teh situation head on.....sooner or later she will have to face the facts!
i fedup tell the girl she pretty and kind an thing like that but she keep denying it...:S wen she talkin bout suicide i does try to change the topic but she does bring it back in sumhow :(

but thanx anyways

imma give her a stern talk this afternoon.
This is girl could be lying to you, just to get to you which she is doing.... A person who is really a suicidal case will always be a depress person... You must talk to her about the problems she is having... That the only solution to the problem...U must make a break through with her... Just talk to her only about her problems and why she wants to commit suicide... Don't stray from the topic...
well she normal now....still talkin the suicide thing but i kinda hav it under control...i actually went an lime wit her an sum frens yesterday..but the whole thing with the other girl that i really liked messed up so i jus chilling bak with this one....she rel cool, rel short tho :S