Harry's Waterpark New Plan


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Jun 9, 2008
The Harry's Waterpark is becoming more strict to everyone

visitors seeking entry into the resort by management will be done to fend of troublemakers.

The par has waterslide, picnic sheds, water sports and picnic facilities, is popular on weekends and vacations.

The new restrictions have disappointed some, but safety consultant at the park Wendell Grant believes the action will maintain the safety of workers and visitors.

Grant said the park would no longer be accepting excursions or outings until they have been interviewed by him for safety reasons.

Grant said, "There would only be a certain type of excursion allowed at the park. In the past we have had visitors smoking marijuana, talking down at the workers and abusing them, fighting and other families not having the opportunity to enjoy themselves because of other people's hooligan behaviour."

In order to maintain a good reputation, Grant said that they have to think like the other water parks in the Caribbean "and think five-star".

Some of the questions that would be asked during the assessment are: What age group would be attending the park? What area are you coming from?

And is it a family-oriented outing?

"However, if you are allowed onto the compound and you are not what you say you are and the attitude of the characters changes, you will be refunded and asked to leave," Grant said.

Owner of the park, Harry Ragoonanan, 38, also created a zoo at the park to attract nature lovers and also plans on building a five-mile nature trail and picnic area for visitors.

This is so great thank God they did this.. I hate Harry's since the first time i went there because it had too much people and some of them were sooting you and telling you nasty things while you want to enjoy yourself with your family. It had some drunkards who only want to pick fights and suck rum whole day . I think that harry's suppose to be like a family thing and just to chill and relax not to smoke weed and fight..Not nice
I went there and i did not enjoy myself because i was too frighten for my children. it was not a good environment for them it had too many people smoking and drinking and acting dumb. i only carried them to the little zoo because that pool had about 100 people all peeing in the water then others swallowing
trinis bath in swimming pool with white people pee, and ah never hear anything an dey feel d water does be treated, lol!!! people u need to realise that nature is not ah hotel is ah bush lime u going, rules are for d gd , coz it gettin out of control now. i like harry's coz i live in d country an i welcome seeing many visitors who never touch mud making ah bush lime.
Is really not about d lime. d lime is great but you see this kinda bad man attitude people carry themselves about there i really cant handle that, the environment is nice i talking about the nature but not the people. thank god the "hooligans" are thrown out
Anyone went to the new opening for the Debe Waterpark. i hear it really nice . i want to know because i want to go there a day and carry my kids
i never went harry's....thats a bit too out of the way for me. LOL....id reach Maracas faster :S... It really is unfortunate that people plan to go somewhere for a family getogether and others spoil their fun.
hey sita i do not know but my brother and cuzin past thier last week sunday and they said that its unfinished but its really beautiful and the slides are huge but there are too many people on weekends so u might want to try going during the week lol
Well at least dey doing sumting bout it now, cuz it had rellll cuss out and fight d last time i went.
I see harry's water park have a guest house, a super market, a small zoo and some other things, Its cool to know they have added all these things
Yes it is ..the guest house now accommodating a full family and its for recreational purposes. i love what they are trying to do...kudos to them
Am not really alot of people are going in the back and making out so they want to stop that, its spoiling they rep, so they taught why not make money and not have a bad name when people want to do their personal business and it will not be in the public's view
No the guest house it strictly for families . it was on the papers..
To do what exactly Harry's water park closes at 7 pm, i don't believe that its only for families. It does have people doing their stuff in the back and they have been getting alot of complaints about it, they found alot of condoms and so on.
But they interviewed mr. harry and he said is like a beach house or a vacation house for you to stay there and spend days or something like that
Would you really think he will state the real purpose of the guest houses when he was being Interviewed, do you think he will say this " well i decided to put up guest houses for horny people" lol do you really think he will say that
-Rina said:

This is so great thank God they did this.. I hate Harry's since the first time i went there because it had too much people and some of them were sooting you and telling you nasty things while you want to enjoy yourself with your family. It had some drunkards who only want to pick fights and suck rum whole day . I think that harry's suppose to be like a family thing and just to chill and relax not to smoke weed and fight..Not nice

Rita u judge everyting by jus 1 day...everywhere u go ppl does b sootin and sayin nasty tings.....i my numerous experience at Harry's water it gets better every time we go......u hv separate sheds u harassing u it hv security on patrol......every pool hv chlorine n every evenin as d pool section is closed off dey start emptying it......all d pools in T&T is d same story ppl pee in it but y bash harry's every where ppl go dey hv 2 complain......

Yes d park hav plenty room 4 improvement but eventually it wud get there......only 4 fetes dey hv fights becuz of d enormous crowds......if u dont like d place go sumwhere else but many ppl n dey do enjoy it becuz dey "come 2 njoy demselves"
I never say that and i never judged the place...i love the liming scene and i am a trini i iz not no white woman . i hate the PLACE because of the kind of people that was there and to me i do not much up bad environments . i like it to be friendly free where you will be comfortable and enjoy yourself with the family but when i went it was not so at all ...My view but i hear now they stopped all them kind of people from coming to harry so i would like to visit again.
i went there once i never say any rowdy behavior like what y'all saying. hmm guess i went on a good day