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Active Member
Jun 10, 2008
A firearm may be dangerous to u and others unless u invest the time to become properly trained for its use, gd Ppl have d rite to protect themselves and their families coz nobody else bears d responsibility for their safety, a gun in the hands of a law-abiding citizen represents a substantial deterrent to a deadbeat criminal but an armed victim is one ting a bandit fears most, after he threatens a person's life, wen dat person is pointing a gun at him, d bandit most likely tries to run, If the defender must shoot it is to save his or her own life, Guns are not the end-all solution to violent crime, a firearm is an indispensable tool for self defense when the random attacker does appear, so wen bandits knows that citizens around them are armed, they are afraid to attack! And if they attack, they can be stopped!!!! lawful Citizens have the right to protect themselves from aggressive bandits, It takes how long to dial 999, then longer for the police to reach u, wen looking down the barrel of a gun, dem banditl look to run!!! do u think we should own guns?
we should have the option to own a gun for protection and of course there's rule u need to follow when ur a user
yup and they should keep like id numbers or something like that to track guns if they have been stolen from the owner. you see some people have been threatened to be kidnapped and they have no protection from anyone and they cannot protect their families so that is what most people are doing these days buying guns to ensure their saftey
If they open up gun ownership to the public (not just businessmen etc), they definitely need to introduce strict policies and rules and penalise any one that doesn't abide. No tolerance on abuse.
I personally think in some situations haven a gun could be ah good ting 2 have...but because ah thinking and attitude of people these days it will do more harm than good.Think about it everybody go be law abiding citizens until somebody get them study this! i walken around with ah gun an ah bandit try 2 rub me an i shoot him an kill him...right no problem with that! but think about another situation,u and friends limen an ah fela pass an bounce not everybody will operate d same way but because most Ppl these days feel deh always right an have no sense 1 ah dem might pull out d gun an shoot d next 1...remember both ah dem was law abiding citizens but because u have ah gun Ppl go just have d erg 2 use it at any opportunity.
did u know trinidad had about 300 hundred applications from d business community wantin a gun for protection, only 144 individual got licenses for a gun!!! all whom are foreigners, are dey better dan d trinis? ah wonder who was in d pannel dat selected those names..... :Confused:
Well to my hearing the minister of security not signing no more gun license to anyone until some of the court trials and stuff are sorted out so i guess who on the application list have to wait morel longer
If we lived in a righteous society we won't need guns, to much revenue is spent on guns and ammunition to be use by the wrong people
The problem is that we don't have a system in place to manage the influx of requests and supply of guns in our country. If they just started accepting any application, then things would just descend into utter chaos. With ownership comes responsibility. What if your child finds it, someone breaks in and steals it, worse yet, domestic abusers use it to kill their partners. Trinidadians are not trained physicall or psychologically to handle firearms. We want to be more American that anything, but we don't know the first thing about proper maintenance and security.
there's men in my area that have shot illegal shotgun used for hunting why can't they apply for it legally
I disagree with bumbleb that we dont need guns..Makes no sense the police and military having no guns. However I agree with some posters that too many guns in too many hands and most times the wrongs hands of citizens in T&T. When we fix that problem then we can establish some type of "gun permit" so an ordinary citizen can have a licensed gun. Anyone has any solutions on how the authorities can prevent guns reaching in the wrong hands in T&T ??
Don't mean to offend anyone, but i think that issuing guns to citizens would do more harm than good. We are too ignorant as a people to act responsibly when we own firearms.. While everyone has the right to protect themselves and their family, we're not ready for that route. Like Andre said, everyone's a law-abiding citizen till they get angry. We already have hundred if not thousand of illegal firearms in the country, to open up a gun-shop is like giving permission to descend into anarchy. That shop would be robbed constantly.
But at lease if they issue guns to citizen it will be easy to trace back the bullet. Every gun has a different mark its bullets so if any crime takes place with the legal guns it will be easily traced back
dats rite but in trinidad an tobago we don't have much technology an dem amourer does know ppl in high places an plenty money does pass!!! so tracin ah bullet here is out of d question!!! i still say who qualify dey should b able to own a gun....deres wealty ppl in trini so let dem protect dey family an business...dem bandits will think twice wen dey commin to robb ah business place....SHOOT DEY AR..SE AN KILL DEM!!! i'm workin wit someone who have a firearm for 27yrs now an only had to use it once at his home....i know alot of ppl wit firearm an john public dont kno dat its up to d individual.....
i still think its a bad idea. At least for the time being. When the mentality of the people as a whole changes for the better, then I may ease up on the matter. But till then, the exceptions are not enough to warrant an ease up on the issue of issuing every "johnny-come-lately" permission to carry/own firearms.
there's about 5,000 legal applications for firearms pending Independent Senator Subhas Ramkhelawan stated It is time to give legitimate citizens more access to firearms in order to properly defend themselves, because criminals can get access to firearms much easier than citizens who are law abiding......Is it right that these persons (criminals) must now hold us all to hostage so that we are now locked into our homes? Gone are the days when we can take our families on a moonlit night for a drive to Maracas ... I am 99 per cent certain I would not be able to get there, spend an evening of three or four hours and come back home without incident.....he added.....It is a deep concern that citizens who have met all the requirements are being denied the right to possess a firearm.

There should also be a proper prog to teach people to safely use d guns, maintain and store it.....we need to do our part in society coz police cant do it alone....
Don't mean to offend anyone, but i think that issuing guns to citizens would do more harm than good. We are too ignorant as a people to act responsibly when we own firearms.. While everyone has the right to protect themselves and their family, we're not ready for that route. Like Andre said, everyone's a law-abiding citizen till they get angry. We already have hundred if not thousand of illegal firearms in the country, to open up a gun-shop is like giving permission to descend into anarchy. That shop would be robbed constantly.

And??????? I prefer that than having no means of defense for the average citizen when some asshole who is too lazy to work decides to force himself into the man's home take what he has worked hard for, beat him up, rape his wife in front of him, kidnap his children, take HIS stuff & put them into HIS car & drive off into the night laughing. Get real! I am a human being not an ostrich! If you want to stick your head in the sand that is is your God given right but if I know how many people are in my house & I get up & see people wandering around on my premises trying to break in & I have a gun & I blowing their heads off. If enough people in the area did that with thieves/killers you think they would keep it up?

Cowards like that don't want hard targets they want easy ones. They don't want to rob an area that has lots of people fighting back & lots of would-be robbers getting beaten/chopped/stabbed/plan-assed/shot/killed. This is real life not the movies. You ever saw something like "The Score" with Robert De Niro or "Heist" with Gene Hackman? You ever heard of a bank robbery in Trinidad? Nooooooooooooooooooooo because that takes planning, patience, intuition, spending your own money on capital on resources etc. These are just lazy assholes. Everyday I get up I CHOOSE to go to work. I work hard for the money I make & have to wait a whole fortnight to see the fruits of that labor. I want the option to end someones ambitions of taking what I worked for in a fortnight, in a matter of seconds.
National Security Minister Jack Warner sees no reasons why firearms should not be given to businessmen who qualify. Responding to questions from reporters at his Chaguanas West Constituency office yesterday, Warner said he supported Chaguanas Mayor Orlando Nagessar who said businessmen are regarded by criminal elements as easy targets.

However, the minister said the decision to issue firearms is one for the Commissioner of Police. Warner said the acting Police Commissioner Stephen Williams will be inspecting eight sites for new police stations today. He said construction of the stations will begin next week. They will be located in Moruga, La Brea, Oropouche, Arima, Piarco, Cumuto, Maloney and Brasso.

Warner said the first draft of his crime plan for T&T will be ready in one week and will be sent to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. He said some parts of the plan are already in effect. The minister plans to recommend that special reserve policemen be assigned to communities to support crime-fighting efforts.