Guilty Or Not Guilty?

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Guilty....i used to take a $5 almost every morning before school

Ever went a wedding an rel flirtin wit sumbudy only to realise that she/he is yuh family?
Not Guilty.. I Jus Wine Up On Them Then Realise.. LOL!.. But Not No Jam Session, Jus A Wine On Wine..

Ever Gotten Members To Join A Forum?..

Ever asked a question and then recognised it was a total waste?
yuh ever went in d gym and while using a machine packed full wid weights u step off and watch a woman who is liek to rush ppl for teh equipment and u watch she try to squat and is cause she muscles cudn t take teh pressure and she faint?

Have you ever put something away for safe keeping and forgot where you put it?

Ever fall asleep cryin over a girl/fella?

Ever get catch watching porn
Not Guilty.....i cah fit inside one and i doubt my aim dat gud....:S

Every makeout with yuh fren gyul rite nex to him :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Guilty i was kinda high that day well i did used to do that alot lol and blame it on alcohol lol

Every slap down somebody you don't know and run like hell
Not Guilty.....i doh hav d balls to do that

Ever carry your gf/bf out an spend out all the money on lunch leaving back none for entertainment???
Not guility...I have no girl,nor do I have money.

You ever fantasize about your gf best friend?
No I Am A Girl

Ever Been Called Late In The Night And When You Answer The Phone Some Prank Caller Calling You Baby??