Guilty Or Not Guilty?

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Jun 11, 2008
Im Gonna Ask A Question.. The Next Person To Reply Has To Say If He/She Guilty Or Not.. (NO LYING!).. When You Done, Ask Someone Else Another Question etc.. etc..

Did You Ever Smell Your Arm Pit After Yuh Rell Sweat To See How Bad It Stinks?..

Yuh ever buss ah shit and purposely didnt wipe after?
Yuck.. Not Guilty..

Did You Ever Fart In Public And Walk Away After You Realize It Smelling Stink?..
Not never really had a serious relationship :(

You ever drink till the point where yuh start vomitting then you sleep outside to hide it from parents???
Guilty....but wen i was rel small

Yuh ever Piss yuhself on the way home from sumwhere ?
Not Guilty.. I Pissed In A Carib Bottle Cuz I Could Hold It Up..

Ever Strip For Someone On Webcam..
NOT GUILTY...i aint dat sad

Ever fall fuh yuh female bestfren.....
No I Am Not A Lesbian Lol

Ever Bad Talk Someone And After Realize They Were Right There Watching You?
GUILTY.....happens almost everyday but sumhow the person never hears :(

Ever eat paper???
Well not eat but chew paper i'm there

Ever Try Eating or Tasting Grass?
lol who never do that...GUILTY

ever attempt to cyber with someone online ?

Ever Eat Pepper So Hot U Feel Smoke Coming Out Ur Ears ?
Nope I Am A Good Girl

Have U Ever Bathe In The Rain And Jump In All The Puddle Ah Dutty Mud ?