Guests & New Members - Start here, It's short!

Welcome! / is a forum platform for Trinbagonians to connect, discuss topics, share information, and engage in Trinidad & Tobago. Join us today and engage in meaningful conversations!

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
Welcome to A True Trini Entertainment Forum. I'm thrilled to welcome you to our humble forum and thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to visit our website. Due to the fact that you are here, it means that you have several ideas or thoughts in mind about who we are and what we do. I'll try my best to explain this in the following Q&A paragraphs:

-Who are we?
We are a small local forum residing in the country of Trinidad & Tobago.

-Just what do we do?
We provide a means and a place for you to share your passion for cars, your anger for customer service, your interest in the state of the affairs of the country, your enthusiasm for technology and we even provide a classified free of charge for both personal and commercial use.

-Who is this forum for?
This forum is for the people. It is provided free of charge to every single member who has internet access. It not exclusive in any way to anyone. It is an all ages board where we cater to all interests especially automotive interests. Do not ever think this is an exclusive club or that it is not for you, we welcome each and everyone to our humble forum. After all we are about building a community for the masses.

-How do we differ from Facebook?
We are not in the same category with Facebook or other social networking websites. Whatever is posted here will remain forever on the website and will not be buried and lost with new content as is the case with Facebook. Content is much more organized and easily searchable. Wouldn't it be nice to voice your opinion about something you disapprove and know that your words will not disappear?

If you've made it this far then thank you for reading through our "short" Q&A section
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Hadda admit I like d site. d atmosphere rel nice, d Android app runnin good so far too.
use it to its full potenial man lol any problems msg me or nirtime we will assist as best as we can
thanks grimreaper, ah not accustom to gettin that kinda hospitality down here nah.