Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014

What are your thoughts on this year coming to an end? What will you miss? What are you happy to see go?
What about the coming new year? What are you looking forward to? What are you dreading?

Happy to say goodbye to:
-I think the Frozen "Let It Go" song was overkilled and I hope it fades away with the new year (sorry!).
-I also hope the fad of excessive ungroomed facial hair goes far, far, away.

Iwill miss:
-the ALS ice bucket challenge if it hasn't died out already.
- looking forward to more of Maya Angelou's work.
-Robin Willams

Hopeful for 2015:
-I hope Ebola is under control in 2015 and it doesn't become the next Bubonic Plague.
-I hope the next big song & dance craze is crazy cool.
-I hope flash mobs come back in style in a really fun, creative, super synchronized way. I want flash mobs everywhere!
I'm looking forward to writing CXC to get it over and some with
Hopefully to attend E3 and CES 2015
New photography gear to be released
No more Frozen

I look forward to the movies:
The Hobbit 3
San Andreas
Wedding Ringer
Get Hard
Ride Along 3
23 Jump Street
I will miss: Nothing

I look forward to: continuous improvement and evaluation of myself just before the year ends.
I just giving thanks, for the giving of thanks. I am able to say thanks so I am thankful for the year that has passed, for the breath of life and wellness of self.
I will not miss anything, but as you mention them movies there Steven, I am looking foward to Furious 7 and TAK3N
So folks, what are your resolutions?

You can post on that thread ;) . There is one already.

I am looking forward for

1. Planes to stop falling out of the God Damn Sky!
2. Ebola to stop spreading
3. Crime to decrease ( we know that's not happening)
4. Movies like Reel Steel 2, F & The F , ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK OMG
5. I wish for a better humanity !
OMG I forgot about Orange is the New Black! There goes my resolution to watch less TV lol
I rarely ever use it; I download specific things to watch usually. I am cutting back on my list of shows though.
I think I'm mainly waiting for Grey's Anatomy and Big Bang to get off break and slowly drop the other upcoming shows. Wait...except OITNB. Maybe. I live with a TV addict who pulls everyone into it as their version of quality time it's gonna be a challenge lol.

So far 2015 looks like a hard year but I'm working on those resolutions so hopefully I have something to be proud of by the end of the year.
Quality time is watching television together? No? It is for me :D

Last year saw me falling short on a lot of goals that I set for myself....this year I'm adding a ton more and pushing myself to ensure that I accomplish all of them....2015 - FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!
Haha yeah it is Steven, I just didn't get the memo lol

We should make a pumped up playlist to keep us fueled through the year as we each strive to attain our respective goals. I don't think I've listened to anything new for the year though lol
I think uniforms are designed to make everyone look like oversized vegetables. I remember being super shocked when I saw classmates dressed casually lol
I thought the tight clothes fad was going on for years. I actually prefer that to the pants hanging down by their knees fad. I've seen one too many a buttcrack and dirty busted up underwear *scarred for life*

I don't know why these kind of styles have made a comeback but I hope this year it gracefully fades out and normal styles are back "in".
ahahhaha wow 2015 has been an interesting year thus far! and i really do hope some of the current trends die out, for example

about a week ago

these words continue to baffle and annoy me, hopefully 2015 will be a more sensible year!