General Election,fact or myth

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cool3ni said:
@ TFM, It's true to say that if you don't vote then don't complain because if you don't vote then it may have been your vote that could have elected or not elected the better party to power to run the country,but you always have to look at this both ways because just because someone does not wish to vote or get themselves involved in politics you cannot tell them not to complain since at the end of the day it's everyone's tax paying dollars that running the country and not only those that choose to vote.

Ummmm...correct me if I'm wrong but isn't your ability as a citizen to vote your SAY in politics. Therefore, if you don't care enough to vote, you are giving up your say, your rights, after all, it is your civil right to mark your finger on election day.

What I am more confused about is if you REALISE your money is being spent, then why don't you try to control what it is spent on??? I just don't get the reasonable thinking behind people's decisions.

I'm sorry but anybody who says they're not voting but want to come here and say this and that about whatever government will be shot down by me. If you don't vote, take your ration of water and your $12 kiss bread and ROCK SO.
I as an admin was trying to tell you guys that yes everyone respects you decision to not vote right because we understand that no one can say for sure who gonna run this country good and blah blah but @ cool3ni you read the about us page and you said how does that context come into this ? Well its because trinispice was created for the people who deserve a say into this country, for the people who don't have a voice to speak up, to have a chance to get rid to this damn government who only doing more harm than good and well its our time now ELECTIONS! and this is what we are waiting for, to get better treatment and stop complaining.. So all i am saying is that this is what we are waiting on..i care who wins because it is them that decides everything in this country and for our future generation so i don't mind to give any party a chance except the PNM because it was he that spending our tax money to build a church and fix up he house and holding summits so if you is a Hindu or Muslim Hard Luck cuz u will not be allowed into he castle of a church that u literally helped build with your tax money
Lady_Death_Demon said:
I as an admin was trying to tell you guys that yes everyone respects you decision to not vote right because we understand that no one can say for sure who gonna run this country good and blah blah but @ cool3ni you read the about us page and you said how does that context come into this ? Well its because trinispice was created for the people who deserve a say into this country, for the people who don't have a voice to speak up, to have a chance to get rid to this damn government who only doing more harm than good and well its our time now ELECTIONS! and this is what we are waiting for, to get better treatment and stop complaining.. So all i am saying is that this is what we are waiting on..i care who wins because it is them that decides everything in this country and for our future generation so i don't mind to give any party a chance except the PNM because it was he that spending our tax money to build a church and fix up he house and holding summits so if you is a Hindu or Muslim Hard Luck cuz u will not be allowed into he castle of a church that u literally helped build with your tax money
Oh ok,was having trouble understanding how that came into this context,thanks for clarifying.
If we take a step back a moment... Now I was reading an article in the daily over the weekend. The reporter asked an elderly man, if he's voting or not? He replied no. His reason was that he knows that if he doesn't vote, the Manning led PNM has more of a chance of regaining power. Not that he supports the PNM. Quite contrary. But his logic is, he doesn't know how Kamla will be as Prime Minister. He knows Manning is this, that, and the other. But at least he knows that much. He know absolutely nothing about Kamla. What if he votes for Kamla and she's worse than Manning? There's too much uncertainty!

I can honestly understand where he's coming from. What if we all go out and stain our finger for a Kamla led UNC, but when time comes, she's worse than Manning/Pandy. What if she's the last straw to break the camel's back? Now don't get me wrong. I am fed up with Manning and his ego. His, I-don't-care-I'm the Prime Minister mentality. Really I am way tired of him. I get upset just by seeing his face in the media. But what assurances can I deduce that Kamla is going to do any better. At least I know that Manning is an imps already..Let's face it, Kamla is only popular because
1. The nation is fed up with both Manning and Pandy and want change. (0 confidence in both)
2. She's the first woman to be political leader of a party and opposition. (so all de women are backing her.)

But what exactly can she hold up and say, "this is what I've done". Nothing really. A brief stint as Prime Minister back when Pandy was out of the country while the UNC was in power?
Now, to vote or not, is entirely up to the individual. People say that if yuh don't vote then you can't complain. Hogwash!! Whether you vote or not, you have to pay tax, and all other money owed to who ever in power. What if one choses not to vote because niether choices are suitable? My point is, withholding your vote does nothing. Voting does. So even though you've lost faith in everybody, still vote. Its your right to. Even if it means you have to struggle again for 5 more years to change the mentality of those in power. Make the sacrifice for the future generations to come. Maybe, just maybe they'll reap the benefits of you hard work.. A caring and effective government.
Thats true and all and yes the 3rd thing to add is that Is She that probed the investigation into Udecott
Nothing to fear by fear itself.

Imagine, people are scared of whether Kamla will be worse, so they rather live in this terrible society than try something new.

They don't know nothing about Kamla?? Hello, read a paper. These people didn't wake up yesterday in power. Yes, she hasn't held that kind of power, but how will we know unless we really try. The question you have to ask is, Can it really get worse??

Anyway, I understand people can't make decisions on subjects that they don't know, but if the only reason you have is fear of the unknown then I pray for you. Thank god, Americans weren't afraid of the unknown when they voted in Obama as the first black President. You really can't blame the people when they say everyone else just backward. They wanted something better and they went for it because they didn't like how they were living. But US? We rather sit here in our shit than try someone else who might give us some toilet paper...What you afraid of? They will shit on you more?? YOU ALREADY IN SHIT.

(I'm just saying again: This is not a personal attack on anybody, we're just discussing issues here. Don't take offense.)
Can it really get worse???,anything is possible,not saying it will,not saying it will not.
In my opinion the race issue is more prevalent here than it is in the US,so while Americans vote because they wanted change and also they put emphasis on performance and rather than preference,die hard followers in all our prominent political parties go take shit and stay blind by it for their entire lives.The attitude of 'I'm PNM forever' or 'I'm UNC forever' has seriously got to change.Also if this attitude was not prevalent then there would have been no need for any party alliances to defeat the incumbent. But as pointed out in another thread the youths of our nation are becoming more educated in making choices so one day hopefully if this trend continues the future generations of our country will not have to fear in initiating change from one political party to another and vice versa and also will not have the fear of losing their cultural identity.

Just a thought:Instead of having separate rallies and hear these parties talk about what they will do from what they will not,we should have both parties in the same place for a constructive debate.[*]
Actually you are right. Politics in America are not based on race but rather liberalism vs conservatism.

I guess I'm just more open to trying new things, whether it be better or worse. I just want change, because the present is not working for me right now.

Anyway, I agree with your point. I guess at the end of the day, we will all have to deal with the decisions we make.
One fact of life is that, don't matter how bad things are, there is the possibility that things CAN and WILL get worst. So excuse the individual who's not as daring with the future of thier country as others may be. It's thier opinion. And who says that the race issue isn't as prevelant in the US than here in T&T? Excuse me, there are places in the US that African Americans or other ethic denomination cannot go. Where thier rights as human beings are infringed upon. Where they are looked down upon with scorn and disdain, even to this day. Let's face the facts. Alot of African Americans voted for Obama soley based on the fact that he was indeed a black man. Whether they admit it or not. Not because of his rapoir. He was making history. Alot of people wanted to be part of that. So race was definitely an factor in that election.
When it comes to politics locally, the US division (Democrats vs Republicans) are the equivilent to our race-biased voting pattern (African vs East Indians).
But back to the subjet at hand. Don't be so quick to chastised those who exercise a little caution/restraint/reluctance to jump on the bandwagon of the other popular alternative. Even though they are sick to their stomach at the present Government. It's a government they know, and my not want to gamble to see if the alternative is either better or worse.. As for me, read my previous post to see where I stand on the issue.
Firstly, if the American election was solely based on race, McCain would've won hands down. The American population is 70% white. Blacks are the minority, and in a few years will not even be the major minority, as Latinos are expected to surpass their numbers shortly. So voting in the end was based on the politics at hand and the way each candidate ran their campaign. Ofcourse, there may have been white people who voted white and black people who voted black, but it is clearly recognizable that whites also voted in masses for Obama, and I'm sure some blacks voted for McCain.

The government they know? Governments change all the time. I don't think a valid reason for not wanting to change or even consider another is for fear it will be worse. Maybe that's just my philosophy on life. But I stand by my previous comments, and everything else I said on this and many other threads, we all have to live with the decisions we make. Time will tell.

Well all i can say is if PNM is all someone knows and they don't know about Kamla then they are LAZY! Because so much going on the papers and news and would they even bother to try getting info because it concerns their future and its their country? If some one votes UNC or PNM its their choice but at the ending of the day everyone takes Shit from the government and its our tax money that going towards HDC houses for the PNM members of parliament, Church, Manning House, Manning Water in he sprinklers yeah if anyone don't want a change and you don't want to vote its you choice but there is so much info Here in TRINISPICE that some don't bother to read to know what going on but as for me who actually cares about what happen i am not going to be lazy and sit on my tail and expect a miracle to happen because i am siding for people who want change like me and also brought light to all the nasty things that the gov't was doing behind our backs...AND PAST IS PAST WE NOT TALKING ABOUT PANDAY ANYMORE AND HOW HE STEAL AND BLAH BLAH...New Parties and Leaders Do Yuh Research And Give Them A Chance !!!!!!!!
While I understand where both TFM and Lady_Death (formerly Karrie) coming from. You're missing my point! It not fair to label someone "lazy" because they don't see don't see light on either direction of the tunnel. And I disagree with you Lady_Death when you claimed that Past is Past. It because of the past, we head to the polls to change government or leave the incumbant in place. That is what they (politics) is judged on. Of course we're gonna bring up de past. The politicians themselves disect the "past" for dirt on their political nemesis. They live in the past to point out all the faults of each other. So the past is very much as important. Of course we're gonna talk about Pandy's past. It's the reason why he was banished to the opposition benches for most his political career. His past failures that his political adversaries leveraged against him. Don't get me wrong. I'm not picking up for Manning and the PNM. I try to be as fair as possible. I for one am not the type of person to give loyalty to anyone just like that. I try to look at thin from both side. A holistic point!
And now, presently Manning is being held accountable for his past failures. The same this that haunted Panday is haunting Manning. His past.
And just to mention, contrary to what you claim, there are no new partites in T&T. at least not formiddable ones. There's PNM & UNC. COP is UNC by extension. And although the media is the best form of information flow about the politics, they too are sometimes bias. They (reporters) oftern report according to hunches and un-substanciated sources. Which is dangerous because of the roles they play. While there are those in the media that honestly expose the truth, they are also those that conceal it...
And as for research, i do mine. That's how I know that Kamla has nothing solid to show. But i am "thinking" about giving her the chance to prove herself. I'm not 100% certain as yet. But at least I'm thinking about it seriously. Which is more than I can say for plenty. I'm not jumping on any bandwagon of the most popular candidate just because their popular. hell no!! I'm making an informed decision. The people of this country are so tired and want change that, Kermit the frog from Sesame street would probably win an election if he entered. So its obvious that any person other than the past two prime ministers would get a boost from the country's disdain of the predecessor and incumbant.
Well Wyspa i was not referring to anyone here i am jus sharing my opinion. And Well New or Reconstituted it still has new members from either party to form One which is the UNC . I am just saying Partick is the Prime Minister Now so is he to blame for all the shit he do to us and well Panday is no longer Opposition replaced by Kamla and well atleast from many opinions that she is trying and we should give everyone a fair chance because if it wasnot for her we wouldn't of known many things what they was doing eg. Udecott
Since we're being fair here.. It's really de COP that drove the final nail in de coffin eh! De UNC (Kamla) just raise some red flags. If it wasn't or de COP Manning wouda never cal
Wyspa said:
Since we're being fair here.. It's really de COP that drove the final nail in de coffin eh! De UNC (Kamla) just raise some red flags. If it wasn't or de COP Manning wouda never cal
How so wyspa? Forgive me,but I don't follow news especially political news that much.