Four Die of Suspected Poisoning

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This was really strange to read. Just like that? Four men dead after eating a meal? Probably it was the mixture of substances in the home-made wine they consumed? Probably the toxicality levels in the brew was too much for the body to handle and they accidentally poisoned themselves? Who knows? Probably it was foul play? Maybe someone tried to poison one of them and the other three was just accidental victims?
Heard today that the men died of poisoning. One man was questioned because he sold homemade rum. But was later released. More test was ordered and a body fluid sample was sent to the Forensic Science Centre in St. james. We'll hear more of this story at it unfolds.
Autopsies revealed they died from acute poisoning, consistent with ingestion of paint thinner. Police said yesterday that the thinner was in a glass bottle and it was possible that the men were drinking it, believing it was rum.

If this is true, how come they did not taste the difference....
If it was indeed paint thinner, they would've smelled it and tasted the difference. i don't want to believe big men could be that dense? If they did indeed drink paint thinner, then it was mixed in the home-made concuction that they were drinking. Nobody aint drinking paint thinner just so unless it is intentional.
That true paint thinners does smell really high almost unbearable, and i could just imagine for the taste, I'm thinking foul play, it have more too it than that i'm just saying
Paint thinners? People trying to consume everything these days because rum gone up they resorting to bay rum and ting i hope they did not want to try something new