FIFA Womens Under 17 2010

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2008
I have to start with Germany Who kableweid 9 unanswered goals into mexico's net! seriously, Germany is on fire yo!
TnT played Chile and though Chile had better possession (64%) and better overall control we managed to score 2 goals to their epic free kick from outside the 18 yard box, our goalie is too short lol.

Ghana 3:2 Korea DPR Penalties after drawing 1:1

South Africa. 1:3 Korea Republic
We are doing great lol the girls as always doin better than the boys yo! congrats to them
i'll b in Mannie Ramjohn stadium tomorrow to c d princesses battle Nigeria!!! ah friend got some complementry tickets
Waw enjoy urself for me and take out some pics for us
OHH LAWD! Was hoping for the girlies to atleast make it deep into the game i guess we'll wait again
just imagine 8,500 ppl watched wen d Soca Princesses was defeated by North Korea...ah was very sad, buh some said dey played poorly...anyway Congratulations and good luck in future endeavors!!!
It was a sad lost by ONE/NIL. On the other hand, I'm looking at Germany to win the FIFA Women's Under 17 2010
I got so discouraged after Germany lost..

I wanted japan to win in the final, It was a DREAD final though, South Korea came back, extra time, penalties crazy intense game.
Congrats to South Korea thought, they are the comeback queens!