Domestic Violence

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Jun 9, 2008
Well if i can post up my whole IA and let allure read it i will.........We know the situation here guys about domestic violence and over 100 women die every year due to this. We only hear about the government doing something and the police but what have they done..i have gather some evidence to show you all

’We have not had any money donated for the past three years. We have been using our general funds from the Coalition for any counselling of children,’ she said on Friday, while lamenting the fact that sexual abuse of children was growing in T&T.

She said that while the Ministry of Social Development has been approached on numerous occasions for assistance, no help has been forthcoming.

It is one of the most successful programmes in the country, but people don't care. We can spend $850 million on a stadium but we can't spare $300,000 for Child Line, which is used by 700 children every month. Very little money is put into getting anything done for children," she fumed. "Because children don't vote."

I HATE THIS GOVERNMENT.So you know how many children the organizations want to help but they are waiting on the money from the government but they giving them a hold up. The most people who are affected by domestic violence is children and they are our future and if we do not help them then its our fault for how they grow up and they gov't not realizing that
Wait..are you guys surprised??? Why should the government help out such a well- deserved needy cause? What's in it for them? Sorry, but that and a pig fly you won't least not in this lifetime.
There is tooo muchhh money wasted in shit! Government do not even care about this country that is why i feel it go have big riots in trini and the a coup might happen
should d min of social development help women in abusive situation!!! wen women always say "no, he ah do anyting to me" an "he loves meh" wen someone tryin to help, LEAVE an GET OUT if u want to survive now, there's programes for women to earn money to support their kids....................we should care more..........women be strong an get help!!! yes there's help available, get up and seek support
The latest victim was Reena from Cunupia, a Spanish teacher of Couva Sex who died from domestic violence this week...R.I.P You could of be saved if you have got some help
d best part is it could happen to any of us!!! an we don't say coz we feel ashame an it's our fault
most of the women are unfaithful an men have to work very hard too bring money home so wifee could buy new clothes etc.................................
huh???????? Most women ? Where did you get that from bumbleb ..its that stated in any public statistics ..i don't think so
This last two weeks ...a 2yr old baby Ethan died as a result of domestic violence because a mother was dotish enough to run out the house without her child while the man , ethan's step-dad or whatever beat him to death... This is the kind of sick people we have in this world to beat innocent children...

Another woman was killled this week when her husband stabbed her to death while her colleagues watched him stabbed his wife 20 times abt her body hearing the screams of her two little boys. So this BIG RICH PLACE SELLING TOP OF THE LINE BMWS didn't have a security with a gun or sumtin? ppl so dotish in trini? Wheeyyy and i one man for about 20 ppl in side of the place and no one didnt stop him hmph
Whats with these men killing women with gramazone and then hanging themselves? it has happened thus far 3 times since this year started..MEN If you want to kill yourselves dont kill the mother of your children too...die alone gosh man and these woman cant even report early signs of violence self..and now is not joke bout how the police dont wana help you it have ian alleyne and these sorts use them thats what they're there for to bring justice
A South Oropouche housewife was scalded after a pot of boiling water was thrown on her as she fought to prevent a close male relative from leaving the house with her infant son on Monday...The woman suffered burns about her body, and was treated at the San Fernando General Hospital.
She reported to police that around 12.30 p.m. she was at her home at Belle View Village when the suspect came to her house.
The woman said she and the suspect began to scuffle when he attempted to leave the house with her two-year-old son.
She said she fell to the ground, and the suspect threw a pot of hot water on her.
The woman was taken to hospital, treated and discharged.
Police officers made enquiries and arrested and charged a 36-year-old labourer of Dow Village, South Oropouche with inflicting grievous bodily harm.
how can someone watch their loved ones and throw hot water on them ? she was scalded? my god this is so horrific! this man should be sent straight to prison for some good years
Elderly people are particularly vulnerable to the crimes of burglars, purse-snatchers, petty thieves, and con artists...It's a tragic fact but predators frequently target senior citizens looking for easy targets...elderly persons who are living alone should be visited regularly by their relatives...also information the police so dey can make regular checks during their patrols...

Types of Elder Abuse:
- Physical - pushing, shaking, hitting, restraining and over-medicating
- Emotional - insulting, threatening, humiliating, isolating from family and friends, removal of decision-making powers
- Neglect - denial of adequate nutrition, medical attention, shelter, clothing or physical aids like walkers, glasses or canes
- Sexual Abuse - any unwanted or non-consensual sexual activity
- Financial - theft of money, unauthorized use of debit or credit cards, forging signatures on personal cheques.

How to Recognize Elder Abuse:
Signs of physical abuse - unexplained cuts, bruises, bites, burns or fractures.
Signs of emotional abuse - withdrawal, depression, anxiety, fear.
Signs of neglect - poor hygiene, inappropriate or inadequate clothing, lack of safety precautions, unhealthy appearance.
Signs of financial abuse - missing personal belongings or cash, unusual withdrawals from bank accounts, unusual credit card activity, forged documents.
Re: Domestic Violenceher

Burlinda Solomon-Sobers 36 yrs...a mother of 3 was yesterday chopped to death at her Tobago home by her ex-lover...who then killed himself...her daughter was also chopped in the attack and is hospitalised....
Solomon-Sobers, a former helper at Republic Bank at Main Street, Scarborough...was killed at her Orchid Lane, Buccoo home by 55-year-old carpenter Daniel Benjamin...with whom she had ended an affair....d lifeless body of Solomon- Sobers was found in a pool of blood in her home....while her assailant was frothing from the mouth mere metres away in some bushes with a bottled poisonous substance nearby....
Benjamin wanted to rekindle the romance with Solomon-Sobers, who had intentions of reuniting with her husband, when tragedy struck yesterday....Benjamin lived at Grange New Road, Old Grange, Tobago...left his house armed with a cutlass...entered the home of Solomon-Sobers and chopped her several times about the body....Her daughter Afyia Sobers 13 yrs was at home at the time of the incident...tried to intervene but was chopped on the fingers in the process....She ran out of the home to her aunt's house nearby and was rushed to the Scarborough Regional Hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery to reattach her fingers....After chopping Solomon-Sobers and her daughter, Benjamin left the house still armed with his cutlass...drank a poisonous substance and collapsed in some bushes in the Buccoo area...he was found by police officials frothing from the mouth and later died!!!