DO you think we can be the best forum/website in T&T?

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People we have to start active, at least one post a day from every user counts. Just stay active visit the forum at least every day so our ranking will go up. We can't afford to slow down if we do we will just die and trinispice will not grow
Thanks snowwhite I added that avatar for you lol hope you like it
Currently we are ranked 106 top 100 is just 6 places a way, the more topics we create and the more posting more members will help us increase our rank.
So come one guys we need you all to create new topics
We will surely make it to the top 100 i have more than faith...................
you guys have the potential to be one of the most active and best. my advice, from experiences on other trini sites keep everyone friendly like they are right now. I've seen other forums shut down or change because of bachanalists. You know how trinis like trouble. Don't let that happen here.

Don't aim to be number one but aim to be one of the best and most active and most loved. You have local forums that on top but only because of quantity of members and lame topics.

Aim for Quality over Quantity. Thats the best way to start. Improve on what you have now.

Right now you can start on expanding and developing the Forum rules a bit. Get a good Acceptable User Policy which explains all the rules clearly. It would help prevent trouble in the future when you bring in more members.

Yea thanks for the advice, we have rules but its not strict since we don't get any problems, I aim for active and Quality as you said , as you see we have the serious discussion sections like the crime nd latest events section where we get down to business, and we also have the recreation section like the bar section. SO everything even out nicely . I hope you guys will continue to to stay and make trinispice you home from now on as we really need everyone's input lol
admin said:
Yea thanks for the advice, we have rules but its not strict since we don't get any problems, I aim for active and Quality as you said , as you see we have the serious discussion sections like the crime nd latest events section where we get down to business, and we also have the recreation section like the bar section. SO everything even out nicely . I hope you guys will continue to to stay and make trinispice you home from now on as we really need everyone's input lol

no problem, i'll be honest with you, i'm an admin on another site and when we started out we had alot of problems, but not with the site itself but certain members who didn't like to obey rules and wanted to cause trouble basically.

since then we've stopped focusing on being a local site and made it more general and geared towards locals and foreigners. We may not be the number one but we like how things are now. The troublemakers are gone and things are under control *knocks wood lol.

We don't mind having 10 or 20 members who post quality topics and get along with each other and can still agree to disagree on some topics of debate.

And don't worry, i already like this site and plan to stick around. That is when i'm not busy with work. :icon_frown: my boss is a donkey dread

i hope you don't mind having an admin from another site here lol

i'm just here to support and be part of your forum and be a regular member.

i like the idea of having games and anime. those are my kinda things. you don't really see that on other local sites. :icon_lol:
No problem thats totally ok we have alot of admins joining this site too, so it cool, yea we try to integrate alot of things in this site i'm happy that you like it. I'm really committed to make trinispice appeal to every one,
thats great :icon_cheesygrin:

just look out for ali, he escaped from st. anns a while back and since then they looking for him. :icon_eek: i tell yuh that boy have issues yes. he always hungry and talking nonsense :icon_frown:
HA lol no problem i would let raucous deal with him lol, hope he does not see this! lol
like yuh want me tell dem what you did with a knife the other day or wah? :icon_rolleyes:
Ali said:
like yuh want me tell dem what you did with a knife the other day or wah? :icon_rolleyes:

if it was true maybe you could but it's not

and stop spamming the ppl thread
Splash said:
Ali said:
like yuh want me tell dem what you did with a knife the other day or wah? :icon_rolleyes:

if it was true maybe you could but it's not

and stop spamming the ppl thread
lol why this interesting :icon_cheesygrin: and yeah it does have alot of other admins here :icon_biggrin:
Well we were heading for a huge success but alot of the members stop posting,