Do you think marijuana should be legalized?

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
What are you views on marijuana should it be legalized?
There are a lot of people saying it should be but what are your views on this topic?
Well i read in a papers that some people are into marijuana agriculture for a living..they go up in the mountains or a forested area and plant their fields to make a living...some say that if it leagalized they will open shops and make more money to support their family so that they wudn't hav to be living in poverty..

I Say Yes..But to a certain Extent..They cud be some license put into place to make it more strict and only certain people could buy it..something so
Sorry karina i would have to say no as you see the way people acting in T&T all the crime and rapes when people smoke their legalized weed what do you think will happen.
THis will just make the situation worst in T&t
I would have to agree with bro here with the current crime situation legalizing marijuana would just make things worst
Re: Do you think marijuana should be legalised?

As a medicine? Sure why not. lol but karina has a point marijuana could be good for our economy. We could be major exporters.
Too bad people abuse it though. It can be used for other things besides smoking. But I dont think it feasable to make it legal with our crime and drug situation..
I was thinking the same thing..i heard marijuana can be used as a healing for something i forgot but also the drug and crime situation here wud be bad to think about that now...

Do u think if they leagalize it ....people would stop using it more? Bcuz some people might think you know it illegal maybe i shud try it? but then when they hear that it legal people might not buy it....wah u think?
If it become legal in this country, those who hear stories of it will try it but yuh know if overuse what happens to u....So better it stay illegal ... we have enough deaths in this country...
Anthony Miller 28 yrs was granted $100,000 bail by a Princes Town magistrate before whom he appeared yesterday charged with possession of marijuana including what appeared to be marijuana leaves soaking in some unknown liquid with raisins inside a pigtail bucket....also 22 packets of compressed marijuana contained in a plastic bag!!!
wtf! didn't know people does make it into liquid form now .. 0_0
If cigarette is legal, why not marijuana? I think marijuana should be legal, even though I do not smoke it.
Marijuana helps you to relax; besides I feel alcohol and cigarette are much more damaging than the so called marijuana.

Legalize marijuana, please.