Do U Think that Miracles still happen?

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
In this time and age do you think miracles still happen?? i know they used to happen in the bible times but what r ur views
I believe that miracles still happen. but we have gone so far from God that we cannot witness them the way it was actually seen in times of old.
Do U think that Miracles still happen

I'm with Wispa, miracles will always happen. As long as God exists and people have needs (and faith). The funny thing is all those televangelists on tv who have healing "powers." Are they real? Most people think it is crockery.. i think so too lol.
Miracles don't add to your faith and witnessing them is not meant to substitute it. They're not even requirements for salvation.. its all free and anyone can benefit from one.. if they so wish.
to me i think that miracles do happen and it will always as long as god exists and believe have know they say if you keep God close to you he will also be close to you...I think people do not posess the powers to make miracles come true..only God has that power no one else..And in this day and age the Bible times have come and gone and it was only then that the simple people could of known when a miracle happen because in todays world we are so blinded by False people , the devil, science channels etc that we are too busy to see the real thing. You know people these days do not believe in Religion no more and are all loosing their faith and only want to see facts about everything but all i am saying for example... people are saying that there is no god and will believe that because they do not see them..but he is there and there are always things that we do not see and thats why the faith is strong you think if we could of see God that things would of changed?
I f we "saw" God, then would be no more reason to have "faith". For he will fall into the category of just science. We will never see god's face while we live on this 2 cents.
Do U Think that Miracles still happen

Perceive, disern, notice yeah.. see in a purely physical sense.. nah.
A good analogy is the wind, you dont need to see it to know it. It and It's characteristics dont depend on visibility to be able to manifest or exist.
i think everyday that we get to live freely and in good health is a miracle, we are more fortunate than others, that's a miracle because we aren't the one's who live in slums and have to beg to survive or sleep on hard concrete in the night and then wake up to eat scraps thrown away from someone else's meal, to them living the life that we are would be a lifetime's dream for them, I'm not saying that I don't have problems but atleast I'm not suffering or in the worst of health so yes i do believe miracles still happen. Now like wispa said, "we have gone so far from God that we cannot witness them the way it was actually seen in times of old." << that i do agree with, because in the day when you hear about someone blind being helped and they could see again that would've been a big thing, but now so many new things are possible that if something like that happens now it would just be average.
Yeah because i said of technology ...its easy now cuz if someone blind they taking eye transplants now and if some one cannot walk they using fake legs
ah need ah miracle now in my life so its ah dead give away for me its ah yes