Digital vs Analog Dash

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Kool ! The colour looks bright and helps when driving in the night
I recall watching a show featuring some sports car. they used a digital dash because the car was so fast an analog won't be able to keep up
Saxman642 said:
I recall watching a show featuring some sports car. they used a digital dash because the car was so fast an analog won't be able to keep up
Probably Top Gear man, and that car is the Lexus LFA, it revs from 0-9000rpm in less than half a second, so the analog gauge cannot keep up with the engine's Rev, thus they used an lcd Dash that's connected to the ecu to give you the Rev count accurately
Well i think both these dash are comfort for us and have their own preference.Some people like Analog and others like Digital.Its depends upon the look and interior of the car.
I'm analog all the way, nothing like seeing "Nismo" and then hitting 320km/h with the RPM continuing to rise.

Digital feels a bit unnatural but is much more useful for racing.
Nice choice but their is no issue with digital but it like for child car or for teenagers.Analog for the business men and mostly analog used in the cars.