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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
Did you know that if you clean your Mass Airflow Sensor your car will regain some lost power and probably idle smoother?
For $20, a screw driver and some time, its hard not to do it!

Did you know that if you clean your throttlebody and Idle Air Control Valve you will gain even more power and definitely a much smoother idle?

Did you know cleaning or replacing the PCV Valve results in better fuel economy?
It only takes a big sized socket/spanner and some throttlebody cleaner, of which some can be reused after cleaning the throttlebody.

These are just some of the fun, little and inexpensive things you can do to get your hands dirty and gain a feel of how routine and preventative maintenance works!

Share your fun facts here, in the "Did You Know?" thread.
This is interesting because i would certainly say that l didn't had it in my knowledge. Keep posting such things admin certainly it is helpful and can be taken as something that goes into full support of the driver.