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You sound like a very religious person..... Thats good.... Not too many people may view the concept "once get married , stay married".... You're jus one of the lucky ones....

What would constitute a failed marrige?

Alot may constitute to a failed marriage but it only takes committed individuals to make it work....
You know i hav a friend she's in her 30s she got married when she was 17 bcuz she hot pregnant her life couldn't been more happier living away from home, having a high position at her workplace , and having her one and only precious gift her child.Her husband used to hav his own farm and it used to bring in real income until his family told her to let him work outside into labour force at Opnet In Movie Towne..Since he started working there his personality changed, he started talking on the phone at late nights and having girls pics in his phone..when everything come clear she found out after 15 yrs of marrige he was cheating on her with a 21 yr girl Named Raquel working currently in Opnet in Movie Towne, Trinicity Mall and sometimes Grand Baazar. She was shocked to know what had happen, he tried to kill her one time and with that she moved away and went back leaving her house and her child to her she is real depressed and everyday he calls her telling her hurtful things and threatening her...The reason i am exposing this is bcuz she dont mind and if anyone cud kill her that wud be nice :icon_smile: JK
Its exposing like this, i like.... putting people in the stop, letting them face the consequences, let them feel the pain and embrassment rather than you.... I like that.... I applaud your friend for her bravery, coming out of that relationship... It takes guts to do that after fifteen years....
Yes she is a very stood up woman fighting for all the other women who was in her position :icon_mad:
Majority of people get divorce because of the other spouse is unfaithfull... Also there's trusting the individual, etc...But why do they reach to the point where they already married and now seeing these problems... Some may say its because they now living together while others may say things just happen....
I think when u really marry a person u get to know who they really are and i see this in newly marriages all the time. Its a fact !

Some people just aren't willing to make the sacrifices that come with marrige, problems are always in any good relationship just some people dont know or dont want to change for thier partners. It's natural to have disagreements its part of the growinging process, i guess some people dont want to grow.

^^ And a whole set of them are serial divorcees thats just really retarded. Imagine promising not to screw up for the sake of your soul and then screwing up repeatedly. Some people make an art out of the strangest things lol.
Is it true that when a couple gets a divorce, half of what the husband owns belongs to the wife?
I think so but i don't know in Trinidad, she can fight for half but you have to look at the time frame, if they marry for less than a year and divorces, it quite hard to fight for anything unless you can prove you bought some particular items in the house