Deviant Maharaj Possibly back with the UNC !

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San fernando

New Member
Jul 3, 2008
That is the worse move UNC could make right now. To me and alot of others that man is seen to have a very ethnocentric agenda. I heard he put in his nomination to contest a seat that Lindsey Audit also wants to contest for the UNC..This is what i cant take with T&T Politics..alot of the old heads see a possible victory for UNC so dem rushing back like crabs in a barrel, first Ramnath recently saying he has nothing against kamla, then Ramesh come saying he intend to stay with the UNC and now Maharaj want to jump back in..listen alot of people who never voted UNC before is considering voting UNC because they see something new but if these "has been politicians" (like Ramesh and Deviant) come back it wont be seen as anything new !. If I was Kamla I would keep him (Deviant Maharaj) far away from my party, cause alot of people see him as a man with a very pro-ethnic agenda, he would do harm to her campaign. Anyway I am waiting to see what decision she makes...
The political affiliation of some politicians is stranger than fiction. This wishy washy behavior could never be reasonable in a work of literature but somehow real people are willing to accept this when the quality of their life could be at risk..
I could never put up with the drastic swings in loyalties... It's just not a good sign for authenticity.
RauCous wish washy behaviour has actually been in T&T Politics for YEARS. Also wish washy behaviour is partly caused by leaders refusal to retire leadrship poistions despite high public unpopularity of their leadership. Look at how long Manning insist not to give up leadership of the PNM despite calls to step down from his supporters. Look at Panday refusal to give up UNC leadership even after he was easily defeated by the people votes at internal elections.
For the record I did NOT say Deviant Maharaj IS a man with an ethnocentric agenda. I said alot of people SEE him as one. People can be right or wrong on that subject I do not know. (Making sure to point that out because there maybe sensitive people in here) However I do know him being part of this new UNC will cause more harm than good in terms of votes
When old fogies come back into the party, it reverts the party back to "what" is was in the first place. The very reasons/persons that held the party back in the past, are back to hold it back again. If I was disappointed in the UNC when certain members were involved, and a different set is ready to take on de PNM. Why in God's good name will I put my trust back in that party when de same people that soured my taste in the 1st place are back in it? That's why I don't like politics.. Dey too f&*king sickning... sorry for the colouful language!
Agreed with everyone. I don't know too much about him personally or his politics but I know it will be a terrible decision to let these people back into the fold for a grab at power.
even i agree!!! Deviant Maharaj, Ramesh Maharaj, Harry Partap, Kelvin Ramnath Basdeo Panday, Tim Goopiesingh an Surijrattan Rambachan should never be consider for dis election.....Kamala better know wat she doing!!!
I'm tired of them all yes...real tired Why don't Panday retire.. He's seventy f%$kin six jed.. Oh gosh man!!!