Dengue again?

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2008
Everyone better watch out, by me it have mosquitoes and nothing killing them out, more only coming. we have one ah the zapper things too, :evil:
You see in the news a 14 year old boy died of suspected dengue, and it have plenty cases. :| It's dengue season now :s
Aye if you does see how my mom does be running with that zapper thing and laughing hard when they spark up..i telling yuh all hour the night you hearing mom is taking this seriously and i think you all too..jus the other day i found 61 mosquito bites about my body more or less
TWO MORE suspected cases of dengue fever have been reported .17-year-old Annilla Ramahdar of Mac Aulay, Couva and 54-year-old Winston Abdul, are both resting under mosquito nets at the hospital..

When yuh think its all over, think again!
you know since last two years i supposed to buy mosquito nets for my bed. i have the zapper but i need one cuz AC Don't kill them
reports from hospital personnel is hundred's of ppl r showing up in emergency dept wit dengue like symptoms an r being admitted an warded but no where to put dem.....
about 300 cases confirmed an 3 ppl died wit Dengue.....its an outbreak so lets do our part!!!
Sharaz Khan ah 19-year-old construction worker died from suspected dengue....3 confirmed deaths and more than 600 cases since an outbreak was declared earlier this month...ah wonder how d councillor responsible for dis one an how he's made to pay d family compensation......
well it have 36 confirmed dengue cases in Tobago so ppl be careful an also clean up d place!!!
In felicity there are alof of dengue cases because of their location to the caroni swamp i really hope they spray that area regularly
dis ah have to share!!!

*Papaya Juice - Cure for Dengue*
Accordingly it is raw papaya leaves, 2pcs just cleaned and pound and squeeze with filter cloth. You will only get one tablespoon per leaf. So two tablespoon per serving once a day. Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength. Only the leafy part and no stem or sap. It is very bitter and you have to swallow it like "Won Low Kat". But it works.
i heard and apple a day keeps the cold away . Eating Alot of fruits with alot of antioxidants such as grapes also can reduce the rick of getting flu based viruses.
Last Tuesday Nicholas Marin 21yrs died at the Sangre Grande hospital from Dengue, 3 dys after having dengue like symptoms eg vomiting blood and respiratory problems, the test at our health facility for dengue screening is not properly done and takes to long that's why so many ppl are not diagnosed on time, to help we need to clean up our area also because the deadly mosquito flies about 50 feet from its breeding ground
Dengue is a serious issue in This country, too much of reported cases and suspected cases of dengue. If you are experiencing Dengue like symptoms please seek medical help, i don't meant the bush doctor or obea man a real certify doctor and make sure you do a blood test.