Degradation of Women

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Jun 9, 2008
Carnival just keeps on getting worse and worse yes..women just keep degrading themselves and after then in some cases asking why they were raped...women were dressed in :

Fish nets
See thru tops with nothing on
Underwear with zippers by the crotch
And much more disgusting clothes or pieces of clothes

During jourvet many were dancing in sex positions , Girls were Kissing Girls , Men were sticking their hands down girls private parts..
What has tnt come to ...what about wearing the uniform from primary school, the men dressed like women , the fun wearing the costumes of sailors and painting of the skin like blue devils... Sigh this country going to the dogs yes..No wonder there is so much crime in this countryy.. Women have no SHAME!!!
Yea it seems like Carnival is not what it used to be its all about being practically naked for the females and they like that, and you know what they paying over 2000 dollars for the Bra and pantie costume.
The less material you your get on the costume the more you pay ironic is it not?
And this is what Trinidad and Tobago call creativity shame!
Yep i can't even believe the older heads like women in their 30s and 40s wearing these things to ..In chaguanas their were a bunch of Old ladies and i mean old that were in panties and bras with the fish net thingy over them with their children who were around like 12 or 13 wearing the same thing... well its tru yes our culture is going to the dogs !
IKR! Is nuh only carnival is everywhere i went Port Of Spain and if u see what kinda things these women had on is better they walk naked. And talk about bras that have a triangle shaped thingy only covering part of their boobs it was disgusting. i actually saw some children blocking their faces at how nasty they were looking
Carnival just keeps on getting worse and worse yes..women just keep degrading themselves and after then in some cases asking why they were raped


And you're a WOMAN? How you dress has nothing to do with rape. It is a conscious decision a man makes that he is going to have sex with a woman whether she wants to or not. A woman could be in a skirt, a dress, a pant suits, track pants, spandex etc it doesn't matter. How come there are lots of men who see women in various attire & don't rape them? It's called self-control, Wow I'm glad I'm not a woman or I'd have been highly offended.
Actually to make that statement it was proven to be fact on a survey that was carried out in the world...I'm not saying that all these women does get rape who dressing so but it makes them more flashy and attractive to it and see the facts
as ah woman i was not offended in anyway because i agree with katrina on dis. i carried my children for the first time in pos carnival and had to block my boy's eyes from the shame these women were wearing : panties , thongs , bra's with nipple holes and lots more disgusting things. they portrayed themselves really horrifying! and yes i think that all women of different categories get raped but the ones but if u think rapists were looking for a female passerby to rape which one would dem go for? ent not the one with the short pants and hott up clothes
alyuh ever hear d sayin is not mas again on d only ass!!!
LOL i like that one really only ass now cuz thats all men wanna see and women giving them what they want and have no shame in it. Carnival to sexual now ..WHAT HAPPEN TO THE GOOD OLE DAYS OF HISTORY AND EVERYTHING INCORPORATED INTO MASS TO SHOW OUR CULTURE
it's all bot makin money yes...who dey want culture gul? dey say give d ppl wat dey every ting goin to gd.....westernized d entire dam place man just bring d American lifestyle an ting gd for dem.....dats y i like little simple ME!!!
i hate it ! i really do see me thats why i does stay home all the time and eat meh roti and crab and calloo LMAOO
Rape has nothing to do with how a woman dresses. Rape is not even about the sexual act, but more abpout the control the man has. I agree that the women are dressing more and more ridiculous everyday, even outside of carnival, but that rape statement was out of context.
all ah will say is if it happens to u an u cant get soon as he start to feel gd dey does let dey guard down.....dat wen u gonna ripppp his f...kin balls out an run to hell away.......sounds like ah laughable ting but d only ting will stunn him is his balls.........DONT FORGET DIS.....
You know what is more degrading all these Vykz Kartel and Much More Songs that is coming out ..I Had the experience of puking out my life when i heard these DEGRADING SONGS TO WOMEN LIKE "BENZ PUNNANNY " << WTF! ETC.. Songs published Taking about what they gunna do and how ..its so damn SHAMEFUL AND WOMEN LOVE THESE THINGS?? You f*^&^&*^*king kiddin me ? I Hate These Songs and Vkyz Kartel Is A Murderer So People Hadda Be A Damn Hypocrite listening to songs of a Murderer when them Clearly AGAINST CRIME!

That's why we cannot fight for what we believe in and eradicate anything that is harming our future because we love it ! Simple things like music can have a great impact in our lives and our children's ..Imagine Yuh Own Daughter Or Son Listening to this kinda music "remember when i take your virginity " (clearly quoted from a dotish song) and it influence them to do all wrong ..I am studying these things and we've seen it happen over the news..Music is a way of life and many sure to follow so things like raping have much more in dept reasons why rapists commit acts like these !
Honestly i dont blame Vybes Kartel for any of this... I blame society... After all he lives in Jamaica... We live trinidad... If this is what jamaican people pay money to hear then i say give them what they want.... Being a artist is also a job... Having a job means making money to provide for yourself and family if any.... Anyways its our own Radio DJs who promote his songs... And if teens getting "influenced" by crap like that they shouldnt be in secondary school in the first place.... They should be in St. Anns under serious medical care for having no common sense....
I understand is all about making the money .. but its the influence for example the musical fued between gaza and gully look at what it did to jamaica between two artists ..IT CREATED WAR IN TERRITORIES! Even though it was not about the population they got involved and so is SUCH! Many studies are taking place about music and influence and its all up to the elders to make things right and bring about a positive change ! Not sex,drugs and violence!
Gaza vs Gully Was A Joke To Kartel And Movado... They Did That For Publicity And To Promote Their Music... They Were Successful... Thats Like Patrick Manning vs Basdeo Panday.... Behind Closed Doors They're The Best Of Friends... And Then They :haha: At Us All...
ah think that the degradation of women starts in your home. how your parents grow you up to treat your sister and having respect for others. As i say to men treat women like you would want your sister to be treated!