De Tiger-err- Cat is out the bag!!!

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New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Now so i assumed everyone has heard...that the world's number 1 golfer Tiger Woods has been having an affair with not 1, not 2...but 3 women? Talk about being a go-getter! Now the story first broke when it was reported that Mr. Woods crashed his SUV into his neighbour's tree at 2.45am a morning. His wife had to bust the rear glass of the vehicle in order to free him. he was hospitalized for a short time and realeased. the media houses picked up the story and questioned where he was going at that timein the morning. They ruled ou alcohol as a reason for the crash. So then stories started to swirl that Tiger and his wife Elen was having an argument over an affair that she suspected him of having... Now the s&^% hit the fan. A few days later Tiger made a statement that he is sorry for the transgressions he made to his family. He did not clearly state what those transgressions were. But one of the alleged mistresses has come out.. It is reported that Tiger had a 31 month affair with one of them. The other two are denying having an affair with the golfer. News houses have released alleged text messages that the two sent to each other. Also, a voicemail left by Tiger Woods telling his mistress that she should remove his name from her phone. He suspects that his wife suspects that he's having an affair and she went through his phone and may be trying to call the number was posted...

Ah yes, yet another celebrity's dirty laundry is out in the light for all to see, speculate and just have fun with. the price of fame. looks like that tiger definitely earned his stripes.
Word.. tiger is a playa :Blink: I heard about the crash but who would expect the story to develop into this!!! :rolleyes:
Man nobody safe lol
looks like that tiger definitely earned his stripes
:signlol: 31 months is realll long and he wife en think nothing??? :Confused: he reaal good. :non:
He really good to hide a 31 month affair.... I mean c'mon..that's almost three years...Like he's a good playa on and off the golf course? LOL.
tiger woods? the all so honest, dignity high man that everyone looks at. I knew something was wrong with that sweater vest player
-Karrie said:
tiger woods? the all so honest, dignity high man that everyone looks at. I knew something was wrong with that sweater vest player
LOL @ ur comment... But on a real though, everyone has a secret...everyone. We all have skeletons in our closet. Even Tiger Woods had skeletons..(three to be exact)!!Lol. The squeaky clean image of Woods is now shattered. The squeaky clean image of Golf is now gone. Compared to other sports, the athletes in Golf has never been known to be in scandals or troubles like those of other sports like Soccor, Basketball, NFL football etc. Now, thanks to Tiger, they've joined the ranks..
I know that cigarette smoking, ball shooter had to be too good to be true.Now he gets what he deserve....light to the truth lol
so tiger came all the way to here seein that he don't be on to post this one funny
Tiger Woods is taking a break from golf to focus on his family and erase his infidelity. he says that he had enough golf and doesn't know when he is coming back