Crop Circles

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Aug 18, 2008
So i know you probably saw the movie "Signs" but these crop circles are a real life phenomenon occurring in corn fields throughout different parts of the world but mostly in England. I'm not sure what to believe but they do look like scary. What do you think?? Are they extra-terrestrial? Is someone looking for publicity? Is electromagnetic waves causing it??

What about space?? do you believe that we are the only educated life form in the whole universe and galaxies outside ours?? What if we keep traveling in space, do you think we would ever reach an end? maybe like a wall or strong negative force stopping you?? And black holes what do you think would happen after being sucked in? do you automatically die, or just stay trapped and floating until you die?

I'm just curious guys lol



Hmmm. crop circles??? I believe that they're man-made.. sorry to say...while i do fancy the thought of the whole "alien" angle, thinking of it logically, why would an advance race of beings capable of inter-stellar travel come all this way to draw circles in our crop fields..Its stupid!!! So yeah, i think they're man-made... I also believe that there is life on other planets out there. If not why bother having all those other planets in the first But i don't think they're what "hollywood" made them out to be or look like. I don't believe in the "Little green men" angle. Who knows what they look like?? Maybe they look like there really is other life out in the deep cold abyss of space, we humans will never know. Space is not a nice place if you think about it... Its just black and...well can't see anythin really..try googling some pics of Earth from outer space and you'll see what i mean. Earth looks like its suspended in nothing...only parts where there is daylight you can scary...Deepspace manned vessels are a thing of movies also because human being loose a considerable amount of calcium while in space for extended periods.. You physically become weaker the longer you stay in space..No gravity or opposing force. so you rarely use your muscles the way you would use them on for blackholes...say in some distant future man goes so far in space as to encounter a blackhole, he won't know it until its too late. you can't see a black-hole. The gravitational pull of a black-hole is so strong that not even"light' itself can escape it..tough luck figurin your way out of that!
Hey I happen to belive that crop circles are created by intelligent life.. intellient human life that is. :)
They would be cool to make in Trinidad but sugarcane kinda hard to flatten. I would've been willing to try it if we had corn or wheat.
Hmmm well about crop circles i don't know what to believe so I'm just waiting for time to tell lol, and i know you guys heard storied about AREA 51, what do you guys think about that and the U.S government hiding "aliens" ?? and the little green men? how can someone make something up so detailed like that unless modeling to something else? maybe the artist used some sort of animal to make his depiction of an "alien"? hmmmmmmmmm life is crazy!
We're talkin Hollywood here. The imagination is limitless. the sky is the limit..anything is the way they made aliens to look is just that..Area 51 was actually a military base..that did experimental aircraft testing..nothing was very secretive..authorized access only...there where lines ppl couldn't cross in the surroundin areas of the base...and it was actively patrolled by security..I'm not sure but i think I read somewhere that they were even authorized to use deadyly force if all this secrecy fueled speculations..So one thing lead to another and the whole thing spun outta control...Its acutally a tourist attraction now...Still can't access the facility though.
yea i heard if you saw a sign saying do not cross and you do, you can get shot lol,
its not called area 51 hun....its Aera 15. That place is top secret. If you cross that sign you wont be shot, they'll apprehend you and force you to work with them. This place is well hidden within the mountainous regions in the kansas desert. Although mainly operated by the US ES-Ranked Forces, they receive help from Africa and North Korea every year. This is so secret the President of the US doesnt even know about it. I shouldnt even be sayin so much about this. I escaped captivity a couple days ago. They might be reading this.
really? on tv dem alwayz tell me is area 51!!! damn you television!
Hey maybe they changed everything up area 51- area 15 ? :s crop circles have been going on years now in america and its hard to tell the shapes and languages. maybe its some farmers idea to advertise and get more sales but i kinda believe there are nasty things roaming around deserted fields of corn and wheat. it looks so scary lol
humans are advanced yes, but you see how intricate those designs are, you can't tell me a regular person has been doing that for the longest while and they've gone by undetected
They're easier than you think candy, geometrical patterns can be made with a pen and string!!!
look at this video
[youtube]6M6vP8-SbU0[/youtube] ts real!!!!! :wacko:
this is the documentary it came from, and people still falling for it!!! really!!!
heres how to hoax a crop circle... small one, couple of hours

the more planning goes into one the better it comes out!!!
truthseekers666 from you tube put stuff up... they actually paid the farmer! ( and actually got convicted of making a crop circle so he's a pro)
its raw footage and its boring...
How to Make a crop circle Longwood Warren pt1
How to Make a crop circle Longwood Warren pt2
this was the original they copied
i got the comparison from this site ... 2007j.html and they nitpicked it to death.
Wow raucous you really did your research their I want to watch the videos man my internet sucks, but Thanks for clearing that up. I did not believe it but i was wondering how could they make a perfect circle like that
lol okk raucous!! u just shut me up!! :S lol but yessssssss although they may be man made I'm not giving up my beliefs about us not being the only intelligent life form in the universe/galaxy lol
I'm just saying people not getting caught isn't a sign that crop circles aren't made by people. I had some funny pics of crop circles with firefox browser, smiley faces and a big head looking alien with a saucer lol..
Copying a circle is hard but making one is relatively straight forward. The human race have been building stuff that can only be viewed from above for thousands of years.. all they needed was a sense of scale.. good planning. Circle makers are hackers and pranksters.