Criminals Living it large in jail, CellPhones, Guns and weed.

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Wow guys don't get me wrong if this was the police wrong doing everyone would say fire them, Its the prison officers fault and still people say give them higher wages because their lives are at risk.

Police officers lives are 100x more at risk at any give time, they are the ones who actually have to arrest these criminals not prison officers. All prison officers have to do is watch them and still they can't do one basic simple job.
I believe it is a give and take. I say give them higher wages so that they don't need to take bribes to live comfortably. Ensure they have the proper safety measure and securities in place so they no longer have to fear for their lives. But in exchange hold them to much higher standards and prosecute those that do crap as they would no longer have any excuses for non-performance.
Agreed there Dude.
Their jobs appear easy kemraj, but it is far from that. It isn't easy mixing with murderers and other suspected criminals who have no regard for you, anyone else or even themselves. I have heard personal testimonials from a colleague of mine that was a Prison Officer as proof that it is not an easy job.
them living it up in jail and getting almost anything they want. It is shocking to see where our tax money is going towards. I bet other officers know exactly who are these rogue prison officers but they wont talk.
Agreed there Dude.
Their jobs appear easy kemraj, but it is far from that. It isn't easy mixing with murderers and other suspected criminals who have no regard for you, anyone else or even themselves. I have heard personal testimonials from a colleague of mine that was a Prison Officer as proof that it is not an easy job.

It may not be easier but its the officers who have to bring them in/arrest them. Thats a much more risky job but I get it,the prison officer work is unnerving. Despite that they shouldn't be neediny a raise to do their job properly. What they need is better security to make them feel better and also there are other people who work other jobs for the same salary and they dont accept bribe/engage in the corruption like that. So thats an excuse at best to get more money. Do you really think they will stop the corruption if they got a raise?
What other jobs do people work in for the same salary where they don't take bribes or engage in corruption? As far as I see it as long as it is possible to pay, chances there are people willing to accept payment (although you will always find the few that rather stay out of that at all costs).

Personally, I find most of the people I meet seem to be struggling. Yes they have a nice car and could lime every now and then but can't even think of owning a home for their own unless they sign away all most or all of their disposable for the rest of their working life. I say make life better for them and then let them know that they have to work for it. If not, fire them one time and get someone willing to do the work. We can't expect them to stop accepting bribes just so and they can't expect better pay and a higher standard of living just so either.

It's one of those cases where something wrong with everybody but everybody only want to point at everybody else. So it's a "me against them" sort of attitude instead of a "let's see how we can work together to solve these problems" sort of attitude.
"Everybody have a price" they say. How much of us really would not take a bribe if the price is right?
That price could go into millions, and just for something as small as leaving a gate open/turning a blind eye etc. When your salary is X and you "struggling" in context of how Dude put it, and a dark entity bribing you with X by 10 to just for example, "allow some phones and cigarettes to pass", it will be difficult to pass up on such an offer, especially if the offer comes from a criminal who could potentially make your life hell.

"Who in the kitchen does feel the heat."
Better to decide beforehand what your price would be. Don't waste my time if you coming with anything less than $100 million. If you needing a cell phone is worth that much then fix up. If not then don't waste my time :bored:
I still want to know this day and age we don't still don't have cellphone jammers in the prisons, Why is that? Are we really serious about curbing crime in this country or are people just looking to make a quick buck at any expense?
That's a good idea. Refurbish the prison or replace the roof and install jammers but don't tell anyone. Then just say you can't get any signal inside the prison because of the new construction. The prisoners can't get vex at the officers for that.
Not only jammers but I heard that the prison gates aren't electric either. If it's that easy to bust out of prison then that needs to be rectified.
Yup. Have a cage style sort of electric gate or door. A guard would escort them to the cage and lock them in and then someone would remotely open the door. In case of a power outage, the door remains locked. Guards would have their own exit of course.
Cellphone jammers could have been here long time. The powers that be do not implement them because they profit from crime.
Exactly crime i profitable, how will security companies and related companies make money it all because of crime their are over 500 plus security companies in Trinidad and Tobago.

Any how heard from reliable sources that the rouge prison officers who were working on that shift when all this was happening we transferred to various prison intuitions thru our Trinidad.
So it goes all the time. They are transferred. Soon they will infiltrate that institution as well. Steups.
Once they stay in the institution long enough they will get promoted. Funny thing is the smart and honest ones normally can't take the crap and dive out early. Guess who that leaves in charge...