Crime Watch

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I want to out line something for you all here, from today on people do your self a favor forget about the UNC Forget about the PNM when your child is murdered or raped who helping you think the prime minister helping you hell no.
I want to highlight a Talk show for everyone to start watching its called "crime watch" on win tv time 6pm to 7pm.
This show shows the real fact on whats going on in the country

Crime watch
Win Tv
6pm to 7pm
Monday to Friday.

If you want to be a die hard PNM and a Die hard UNC and really think that the Government is going to help you, your kidding your selves. Unless something happens to you yes you then you will start to open your eyes
And if you feel that going to facebook is going to help you your wrong because again when something happens to you if if facebook going to help you, i done talk yes.
yes i program host is the lawyer Ian Alleyne. He helps the helpless.....especially the poor people who dont knw the answers and dont have anyone to help them. He takes no political sides....he only believes in what is right and he opens d eyes of d blind 2 see all the government's corruption.
You know this is how serious people of are about crime and issues, alot of time i does be posting important stuff like these and no one seems to even read it or they don't have any concern for anything. God forbid something happens to you or your family members that when you all will take these things seriously and open your eyes to reality. And who vex, vex yes i highlighting some serious things on the forum and no one wants to take anything seriously.
I think he and Inshan doing a good job to letting people know who is the real gov't one
You all must watch it because it helps to give you a feeling of hope in this country when it have people like them. Our government is doing nothing to help us at all and thanks to our BEST MINISTER OF HEALTH JERRY NARACE A CHILD IS DEAD TODAY AND PARENTS ARE GRIEVING FOR THEIR LOSS ..
Yesterday was the first time i tune in to Crime Watch and i was in total shock what was going on....

Firstly i was listening to 101fm and they had a breaking news section where Ian Alleyne said to stay tune for Crime Watch where an escape prisoner had surrender to him live on the station..... By the time i reach home i tune in to Win Tv and saw the escape prisoner Rishi and Ian Alleyne in a live broadcast ...

Apparently the story goes like this..... Rishi was arrested for robbery of a palour last two weeks ....He was sent to YTC since he only 16 years old... They then took him to Princes Town Police Station to appear for his sentencing before the judge...Rishi said that a police man from the station came up to him by his cell and OPEN the gate and told him " Ah giving yuh a chance" Rishi said he stood around the corridor of the station not to such what he meant by it and r=then he jus simply walk out of the station in full view of other officers.... The next day his photo was in the press for "escape prisoner wanted"...

While all of this was going on in the studio, the police arrived... Ian Alleyne tried to call the Commission of Police on the slackness of those officers but he did not answer... Rishi gave his full statement as too what happened in the station live on TV and the radio....

Some people who called in was furious with Ian for doing this for publicity...while others think he was right to do so to embarass the police force.... Before the police took Rishi, Ian urge him to change his life of crime and don't folow bad company... They both broke down and cried.... Ian said he will assure him that nothing will happen to him will in prison ...But I don't know abouit that...The boy is an small Indian dark skin guy.... I feel they will take advantage of him, especially coming forward in live TV....

Crime watch really is an intersted show so people get with the programme
Thanks for sharing this i now started watching the crime watch program and i believe everyone who is concerned about crime should start to watch this. ITs everyday 6-7 pm its its real interesting big up to crime watch keep doing what you guys are doing
What I like about the programme too is that Ian Alleyne urges with the viewers to come together with their community to stop crime...Its not political, its not a governement funded programme, its there to help the public with there problems that cannot be fixed by the governement at a faster pace...Not jus governement problems alone but yuh own personal problems that u want justic for... hope this message reaches to more people..
I did send this thread as a mass message to all the form members but it seems like they did not get it, but hopefully people will stop sitting down and stand up for what is right we need more people like Ian Alleyne
yes mr admin he's doing great and i will be joining d march with ian ,the drive through chag on saturday was a gd start, trucks and other vehicles drive around chaguanas. we can make a difference any way i does !!!
Take some pics and post it .... This will give the others an idea of what Ian Alleyne is really trying to do ....
Yesterday's show, Ian alleyne and Wintv gave a young boy (12) a ticket to the states to undergo a surgery and a traveler's agency gave his mother another ticket to accompany him... The young boy father is a taxi driver...The boy have to be living with a sack attached to the walls of his stomach...This sac is very expensive.... Governement did nothing to help this boy... Thanks again to Wintv and its workers for making a difference...
Yes they are really doing a good thing, I want more people to find the desire to start helping people it does not mean giving money but, a simple joke or a hug do alot for a person who in the verge of destruction
yes n ian is helping alot of d poor people who dont hv a voice n d government dont even care about......look a Tessa d lil girl die in laventille.....d gov aided dem becuz dey are afraid of d gangs but d other people "d other 246 n counting persons in trini" dat die.....d gov jus hv dem uder stat. nunting is being dwn. n Some1...ian is actuall standing up 4 d people of trinidad n tobago.......STAND UP $ WAT IS RIGHT
Crime watch has raised money and they used it to help people who needed surgeries, what is the government doing they are giving people 11 thousand dollars to their supporters for funeral expenses, if you give one person you have to give all wtf going in this country.
Admin do you know how they raise the money? Besides donations ....
They have open accounts when people can send money also i think they have come concerts when big shot lol people attend to and all the money is given to people who need it. And at times he him self gives his own money
Hey i nearly cried on crime watch the other day when he gave a medically ill boy and his family a ticket to go canada plus 2000can spending money to do a surgery. I am really impressed and i have hope that alot of us can be helped in this country
Thats the thing if you wait for the government to help you you will die first, the government rather give money to their supporters and give a way money to other countries and spend money on their luxuries instead of giving money who really need it.
today highlighted a mother of a 3 1/2 yrs who is lying in mt hope hospital with genital warts from being sexually abused,just tell me a BABY, come on people. only when something happens to your family u take heed, up to today police at maracas police station never investigated the male since may 28th. on the show AG police commissioner was told of this an he said he will look into d matter. for a while this baby was fingered and interfied with, its sickening. please mothers know who you leave your kids wit, thats y poeple take some years off work to see about thier kids,gone are the days for genuine people!!!
I cannot imagine a little child have to go thru this. I know what Gential Warts is bcuz i read some info on it and it is a very painful thing that can lead to cancer if it is not treated. Imagine a little innocent child of god has been de-virginitized by someone she knows or dont and cannot even say anything about it bcuz she is too small. i cannot even imagine what the mother must be feeling. these police officers are too slack! now when the cases are taken into bigger hands they have no choice but to deal with it now.Imagine when this girl get older and she found out what was happened to her what will she do? if all our children of our nation was treated like this how will trinidad become? The gov't is so sick is a shame