tried fire breathing? Well, there can be no debating the fact that those of us who have witnessed this hair-raising stunt contemplated emulating the act at some point in our life. And if you have failed, let bygones be bygones. To make it simpler and perhaps marginally safer for you, we are going to teach you how to create a fire spewing torch (no mouth blisters, yeah!). Before we go ahead, the statutory warning: DON’T try this at home! More importantly, if you aren’t game enough, back off. It goes without saying that we would need, for starters, a cylinder filled with inflammable gas and some gasoline or alcohol (just enough to raze down the neighboring buildings!). The gas, Propane in this case, goes inside a cylinder that is fitted with a ‘metal tube, nozzle and valve’ system. Once your fire spewing pack is ready, just route the alcohol outlet to the nozzle and bingo you are all ready to impress the chicks. And…..don’t forget to keep a barrel of water at close reach, just in case things get out of control.