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New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Hey spicers, I don't know if I've ever told you guys that i wanted to start my own business? But if i didn't, now you know. I went to the Registry today to apply for my name search. So far initials reports are that my desired business name is vacant so I may get to reserve it.
If all goes well I will be in need of a business logo/trademark etc. Therefore i will be seeking the help of you, my fellow spicers.
I hereby put the challenge to you guys to come up with a Trademark for my business.
I will update this thread with the relevant information such as Rules, Prize, and Submission once I finalize the fine print in the coming days.

Stay tuned.

PS. The nature of the business is computer related. So you can begin to formulate some ideas.

Wispa out! :Yea: :Yea: :Yea:
Hey, good luck with your business bro. I'm also starting a new business with my sister. She created the logo online and paid around $50US for it. I'm not too trained in the photoshop department, but I have Adobe CS4, so I will see what I can do.
Cool... Just an update. We in a recession so don't be assuming that the prize will be a

Prizes: The winner will receive a Top-Up to the value of $20.00 twice for a month for two (2) months. Both Bmobile and Digicel mobiles are eligable to enter.

1. All submissons must be accompanied by your name (real name, not user name). And contact number (cell).
2. Winner must agree to hand over all rights/ownership to the logo once the results are posted.
3. Entries must not infringe on existing logos of other companies in any way or fashion.
4. Judge's decision is final.
5. Prizes are NOT cash transferable.
6. The competition is open to MEMBERS ONLY.
7. Unsuitale entries will NOT be acknowledged.
8. One entry per member.

Stay tuned for the name of the business.
Wispa out!

So i got my proposed business name approved. So the name of my business is MAXIMUM PC SOLUTIONS. So some info:
The contest is now officially open.

1. Contest runs for two weeks starting from today, Friday 9th April 2010.
2. Contest ends on Friday 23rd April at 8:00pm.
3. Results will be officially released on Saturday 24th April 2010 at 8:00pm

Please send entries:

So my fellow spicians..make me proud!!!
Good Luck to you all!!! :Yea: :Yea: :Yea: :Yea:
I hope you guys are designing..
nothin to do with election
@RauCous: Good for i deliberately put that one there... its the one associated with my business..
Feel free th incorporate the name into the logo if you guys want to.
Hmm. the deadline fast apporaches and I have no submissions yet?
Hey Wyspa i wanna come up with a slogan for you but can u give me the name atleast of the company and like what are some of its products or even an example self
This is my logo i don't mind doing it free of charge since the other members care less to take part hmmm.
If you don't like anything please tell me i can change anything you want

Hey admin, you onto something dey... but I not feeling the colour though..but i'm really interested. I have your number. i will call you.
Call me anything time i could change anything just tell me what you need and i will make or change anything
wow its been a while since i came on is this contest still open i dont know if i can try out something
You guys missed the contest.. sorry to say. No-one paid any mind to it when I was holding it. Only admin sent in an entry... so hard luck.. but i may have another one soon.. but only if people are interested in participating..
Ok.. so my business is offically registered. went to pay the relevant fees today.. You are now looking at the proud owner of Maximum PC Solutions. Admin, i have to link with yuh concerning the logo you sent me..i like it..but i want us to collaborate and make some colour changes... plus I would need some technical help soon.. holla at me..