Chinese's Restaurants Conditions

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
People with the recent video of Chinese construction workers skinning a dog to eat it appears that only now the health inspectors decided to do their duly jobs . Pictures and videos were posted about the nasty conditions of these Chinese's restaurant, where a bowl of meat was seen with flies and fly shit all over it, the noodles were keep outside where flies and rodents has access to and so on. Could you imagine that this was going on for years and only now it's being highlighted , why do these food establishments get away with these nonsense ? Do these Chinese restaurants even care about the health of their customers?.
As of now I'm not buying anything from any Chinese restaurant , simply because of the sanitary conditions and their unsupervised inspections.

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actually have some chinese own places that are well cleaned and their cooking environment can be seen by the customers lol and the others i just say not me lmao and dont buy from strange places
Yes but do you see where they store their food stuff, do you see how their foods are exposed nope. All you will see is what they want you to see. I remembered some time ago working along side some health inspectors at Broadway port of Spain they have to shut down all the Chinese's Restaurants in that street because all the food bowls were on the bare ground, flies all over, weebles in the flour , they were using a black cokea Broome to turn rice and alot more crap.
I believe what it is being said here. I too saw the video and it really did turn me off... Are there any signs we can look out to tell whether or not to buy from a place? Do you have some recommended or safe places to buy from?
hahahha i dont buy from town chinese lmao.......@ nirtime lol you does have to really know the place yes lol
Hmm one way to get to know the place lol.... Dine in/take out.(Bad advice)
Good talk, you know I never ask to see that... There's one place I left a bad review on the bad service thread but after going back there forcefully they had better service and you really do see the kitchen, now that I think about it, its the only place I saw the kitchen so freely.
Alot of people say that all Chinese places are like that. They eat from snakes to dog and store it in the same freezer with the other meats.

If its not weird food, all Chinese places leave their noodles, rice and meat out for flies for easy access when cooking.

If its not their food, the old boom thingy to wash their pots with only water. Beef, chicken, shrimp , pork you name it cooking in the same pot.

Please watch out for Friendship Chinese Restaurant In Arima. Worst place ever. My family members worked their and they made them take out worms from chicken and reheat to sell, cut up snakes and also sold dog meat.
The video was added to the first post, please take a look at what we does be eating and we don't even know. Please share this topic to all your friends and families let them be aware.
yeah well now the health inspectors have to do there jobs...not only in Chinese restaurant,...all food establishments....n all them doubles people that dont even have water by dey place gosh man.

them health inspector only taking money frm them big boyz restaurant and turning a blind eye....trinidad reall need gd laws and regulations when it come down to food and sanitation
I'm pretty sure I ate dog once from the chinese restaurant by curepe junction (next to the uwi taxi stand). I'm completely sure it wasn't chicken. I could spot any piece of chicken from across a room and tell you what part of the chicken it is and that wasn't a part of any chicken. But I didn't think about it until it was too late and ate it anyway. I ended up throwing up everything that night. Two weeks later, guess what chinese restaurant was on TV6 and being closed down for health violations. But they painted it over and reopened it so it's all good I guess. I'm never buying from there again tho.
Wow that has to be a very hard thing... Sorry to hear that Dude

However it is true, we need better legislation but it can only work if we start working towards no corruption or at the very least less corruption.
What i want to know is what is the government especially the Ministry of health doing about this or any possibilities that this is really happening. People have allergies, people die from allergies and yet still these people are putting us thru these kind of health risk.

Gutter oil is recycled cooking oil taken from Chinese sewers. The video expose has gone viral on various social media sites as RFA shows how China's black market recycles cooking oil from Chinese gutters. The recycled gutter oil is later repacked and sold.
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man buying Chinese at creupe junction wow hoss you have rell belly to be doing that
Anything on Curepe Junction is a no no lol. In POS too!

I rather make my own chinese food now yes.
As with everything, there will be the restaurants and vendors, with or without a license that will have unsanitary methods of cooking, unsanitary preparation of the food they are selling, dirty surroundings and storage areas, bins, and cases. It comes down to the customer to observe and act by reporting them to the relevant authorities.

It is not only the Chinese. Doubles vendors are the same. Pie vendors, juice vendors, preservatives etc. Even down to a snow-cone vendor. There will be the one or few that make all look bad or leave you with a stigma. Does one corrupt police officer mean that the entire police service is corrupt?
man buying Chinese at creupe junction wow hoss you have rell belly to be doing that
Dan I was hungry, brokes and had to head back to pull an all nighter for an exam in UWI the next day. That's not belly... that's desperation. But now I think starving may have been a better idea.
what brotherhood says is the truth lol some do good but it does always be the bad that gets the dude risy choices there lmao