China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Plenty abortions over there. ... digg_share

(BEIJING) — China performs about 13 million abortions every year, mostly for single young women who experts say know little about contraception, state media said Thursday in a rare disclosure of sensitive family planning statistics.

The China Daily newspaper said the real number of abortions is believed to be even higher since the 13 million accounts for procedures in hospitals but many more are known to be carried out in unregistered rural clinics. Also, about 10 million abortion pills are sold every year in China, the paper said. (Read "China's One-Child Policy")

It quoted Wu Shangchun, a government official with the National Population and Family Planning Commission, as saying that nearly half of the women seeking abortions in China had used no form of contraception.

China imposed strict birth controls in the 1970s, limiting most couples to just one child. Sterilization and the use of intrauterine devices, or IUDs, for women are widely promoted — and subsidized — forms of contraception for married women. However, the policy tends to overlook the contraception needs of unmarried women even as attitudes toward casual sex have dramatically liberalized. (See TIME's China covers.)
Hmm thats alot of potentials gone there. Hmm, but add those 13million to the already overpopulated country...not condoning!
Well its understandable to a point but could you imagine 13 million omg thats like 13 times more than the population Of Trinidad. THats too much
"China's One-Child Policy")

I am A Geo Student and according to the One child policy that i studied , China is so over populated that many live in slums. Due to over population some cannot get jobs to take care of their family and it is so crowded that many build houses upon houses and in many dangerous places. Due to all these things and many more the government have come up with ONE CHILD POLICY That every family have One Child and that is the LAW. If you do not have a family then a young woman is expected to have one child. This is done to control the Natural Increase of the country and for the government to supply and control whatever in the category. If a woman is pregnant with another child by law she has to do abortion against her will.
wat is d policy it d wat is d UN an d Anti-Abortion group sayin bout dis in 2011!!!
I do not blame China, they have a lot of people in that country. They do not want extra people, since resources are limited.
I do not have a problem with it. China is heavily populated, they need to control their population.

1 child policy is very sensible to me.