Chikungunya Mosquito virus

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Jan 23, 2008
Chikungunya Mosquito virus

This virus is progressing toward epidemic proportions. Few sources provide comprehensive lists as to the full extent of the outbteak.

?There is NO antiviral drug or vaccine for Chikungunya
?There is NO medicine to treat chikungunya virus infection or disease.
?Treatment to decrease the symptoms are available.
? Chikungunya generally DOES NOT cause death
?It can cause a debilitating illness, most often characterized by fever, headache, sentivity to light, redness of eyes, fatigue, loss of taste, mouth Ulcers, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, rash, and joint pain.
?Unlike dengue, severe joint pain can set in for much longer--up to a year and be debilitating.
?Unlike dengue, young recover quickly (5-15 days) & middle age take up to 3 months and the elderly even longer.
?Mother-to-child transmission of chikungunya virus, during pregnancy was reported during the 2005?2006 outbreak on R?union Island, France.
?Contracting chikungunya can lead to worsening of any of their medical condition and may also lead to paralysis and/or kidney disorders.
?Chikungunya was one of more than a dozen agents the United States researched as potential biological weapons.
Transmission of chikungunya has been reported throughout the Caribbean dating from May 2014. To date, the following Caribbean countries have reported cases of chikungunya:
Barbados (unconfirmed reports)
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Dominican Republic
French Guiana
Jamaica (unconfirmed rreports)
Puerto Rico
Saint Barthelemy
Saint Kitts
Saint Lucia
Saint Martin (French)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Sint Maarten (Dutch)
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands
US Virgin Islands
The virus has also been reported worldwide:
Throughout Europe
America (North, Central & South)
Its not life treating but its a very serious virus/disease. There is no specific treatment for chikungunya infection, nor any vaccine to prevent it. Pending the development of a new vaccine, the only effective means of prevention is to protect individuals against mosquito bites.
wow i didn't even know about this virus, and some of the symptoms are very serious!! the government needs to implement more effective methods of Mosquito prevention and control to eliminate the risk of such diseases being spread!

my question is , where did this virus originate , how was it created?
Was listening to the news on the radio today the only info was given is that it originates from the Aedes aegypti mosquito and to wear long clothing especially in the early morning and late evening to night. They said that someone went to St. Vincent and brought the virus here in Trinidad. What was so confusing to me is that they said the MOH was preparing for it for the last few months and they should of checked anyone who had a cold or symptoms at the airport to at least try and prevent it from spreading further. In the US once you have a cold or sickness they does pull you aside and question you at the airport and if you are looking too sick, they call a medic to examine you. I wish we could implement this here
Trinidad again.. How do you pronounce the spelling lol? Today they said no reported cases were here in Trini..hmmm conflicting reports i see
the media saying that? or the government? but i agree with LadyDeath, if they know that there is an infectious disease being spread throughout the caribbean , why wouldn't you take extra precaution in the airports and ferry ports! i myself am feeling a bit ill, hopefully its just a regular virus and not anything serious!
Very good information listed. I am organizing an awareness campaign where I work and would like to share this information on this forum.
Did you see the map.. Look at these cases already



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Diego Martin :O well I sleeping with mosquito net, zapper and some Raid repellant tonight!!!

Especially how rain has been falling and water has been settling with no time really to run off , it's going to he a breeding ground now for them :'(

Plus I have no AC so double trouble lol
Make sure and spray your room before going to sleep. Thank God there's not a reported case in Chaguanas yet!
I does always wonder where these things come out from :/
no vaccine yet and my work full of mosquito sigh Bob for it!!!
Over 20 suspected cases of Chikungunya Mosquito virus has been reported, this is spreading fast i'm going to buy a mosquito net and i think you all should as well.
Mosquito net, repellent, and bug spray doesn't work again nah, these mosquitos on steroids!!

The only thing dah does wok now is them bug zapper and dem, with the amount of practice you getting with backhand you could give Serena Williams and dem ah run for they money
dey say doh get bite and help them tackle chik v or chikungunya....but r we really cleaning our surroundings...i started to cut the bush and clear and discard the tings than hobour mosquitoes and will complete my yard today...please lets look around coz u neva know wat unwanted stuff that can collect water an house the mosquitoes....lets do our part plz...i am and i'm proud of how my yard is looking...for info on chik v visit the ministry oh health website@....[url][/url]
Thanks teagnie info was needed on the event!! But really and truly this virus could turn deadly
65% confirmed population of Caricou and Martinique has the virus ! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!