Car Safety

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True, a lot of this is defensive driving. I'm finding out a lot of things I would have never thought to query before though, and I hope the info proves useful to others as well. The most important safety measures in my book are probably to ensure all passengers are wearing seat belts before taking off, and for drivers to avoid distractions (being under the influence of drugs, eating or searching for items while driving, etc).

More useful info:


-Don't put your feet up on the dashboard. Airbags can go off with such a force, your legs will easily be broken.

-Keep an old cell phone charged and switched off in your glove compartment in the event of an emergency. All phones can contact emergency services whether they are activated or not.

-If you think someone is following you, take 4 right turns. If it forms a circle and they are still behind you, you are most likely being followed. Immediately proceed to the nearest police station, and if possible, call ahead to inform them of the situation including car description and plates so they will be on the lookout upon your arrival.
Ok when clamping the negative "-" terminal of the jumper cable please connect it to the engine block or somewhere that's a thick gauge of metal. Avoid connecting to body panels as these are thin pieces of sheet metal.

Always keep a cell phone charger in your vehicle as it may save your life.

Keep a flash light in your car preferably one that charges via the socket as it can be very helpful for changing spares or doing minor road side repairs.
I tried the mirrors technique posted a page or so back. My mirrors could not extend enough to be an extension of my rear view mirror so i let it overlap at the very least and while it does widen your view, it greatly takes away from the uncertainity of lane changes especially coming up just in front of trucks where its impossible to see until distance is creates.

It did a fine job of pointing out to me some very obvious blind spots about my own vehicle which I knew about but if I were to try it in another vehicle, I think it would be even more effective.

So all in all, the mirror technique is very effective, it works, my preference is to modify it so i just barely see my vehicle in the mirrors when i watch.

I do have one of those tiny blindspot mirrors like the "Maxiview" on my right side mirror and I highly recommend everyone to get it for both of their mirrors, it widens your view far more than just the mirrors alone and when combined with the mirror technique, it doubles effectiveness.
Thanks for the feedback! I was really curious about it. Do you think you would continue using this technique with your modifications or would you prefer your mirrors as they were before this technique?
Well it wasn't all that different for me honestly since I have always tried to maximize the view from my rear view mirrors but yes I have continued to use it and will further continue to do so.

I just don't understand how they expect your mirrors to extend that much, my mirror had reached its maximum outer position attempting this technique and it needed to go a little bit more to be spot on with the guide. However, I was already using a Pyle extended range mirror which came with an old backup sensor kit that was installed previously on the van so its very possible that extension from the addon rear view mirror contributed to my inability to carry out the technique 100%.
Interesting! I hope it keeps working well for you. If any others try this technique please let us know your experiences as well!
After driving for a bit more with my modified technique its obvious that my mirrors could never extend far enough to comply with this guide. Even if I was using the factory rear view alone.

However its an amazing help as my Hilux is fitted with a Deck Lid and a roll bar. Both of which block the view of short cars driving to my left. In this way the extension of the left mirror has made it very easy to see in the blindspot so there are no surprises.

Im planning to buy another of those convex blindspot mirrors to further aid my field of view to my left.
Nice suggestion wrote about the Car safety.I really liked all so much because these are very valuable precautions for us and some safety points are very new to me but i got all these precautions.
Awesome! Glad you liked them! Hope they come in handy for you and others as well. If we've left out anything, feel free to add it in!
Yeah i hope also they come handy with us because we are the followers and to seek the automotive things is my passion.I really like it so much.
My 11 month old son will never stay in the back seat facing to the rear in his car seat. I currently place him in the front facing rear, which is the most comfortable position for him. It this position illegal?
My 11 month old son will never stay in the back seat facing to the rear in his car seat. I currently place him in the front facing rear, which is the most comfortable position for him. It this position illegal?

He is safer in the rear though. The airbags can badly injure/kill infants. That is why the sun visors normally have large print when a passenger air bag is present. A lot of them normally say no children under 12 in the front seat.

Also in an accident there is a lot of empty space for material to crumple which would be good for impact absorption in a Sedan.

Im not sure if its illegal, someone else may know lol.
Soundbwoy i think you should watch this video

As simple as checking your tire pressure is a very important factor when it comes to making your passengers safe. Checking for brake fluid level is also very important. Engines may fail, not brakes.
yup brakes are the most important i check that religiously yes lol cant play games when it come to that
True eh, once a week its good to open the bonnet and inspect the coolant condition/level, engine oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid.
I used to check once a week but never saw any change so now I only check once a month and always check for leaks when I'm leaving home. Hey how long do your guys go before changing brake fluid in your car. I just realised that I have never seen it done before.