For Sale Car Audio Tuning Service

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New Member
Mar 2, 2015
Clean signal in, means clean signal out. Dirty signal in is an obvious dirty signal out.
How do you know which one you have? Can you tell the difference listening by ear?

Audio tuning is done simple and easy at an affordable price with the SMD
DD-1 and SMD CC-1

Gains set proper without distortion or clipping. $125.00TT

Crossovers set to your preference without guessing. $150.00TT

SPECIAL Get both done for $200.00TT

Feel comfortable playing your system at its max volume anytime with clean musical sound always.

Location Arima
CONTACT #317-5581



Can you explain a bit more what is being done to the vehicle's deck? eg. will there be a chip added to the deck or will you be tuning it.
I have a 2008 mazda 3 and it had one of those Japanese 7 inch dvd deck, works great and most of it is in English but it does sound distorted at extreme volumes.
Thanks @BrotherHood !! The SMD DD-1 is a distortion detector which indicates at which volumes your signal goes bad with distortion through the RCA low level outputs. All manufactured decks has a specific volume where those signals are clipped. With the deck set to flat we can tell you your safe zone. @admin as for the factory deck the distortion comes in at a lesser volume than a traditional pioneer aftermarket, through speaker leads known as hi level outputs. Will post a video soon.
Not all persons with an audio system will spend $3k on a device to tune their system that is only needed once.
I am offering this tuning services at a small cost. This is for persons who want piece of mind in playing their stereo maxed out,
yes maxed out!!

Other methods of tuning from guessing to pro.


Good stuff. This is what differentiates a small well tuned system versus a big system that isn't tuned. The smaller system will sound better over the more powerful system.
Can you explain a bit more what is being done to the vehicle's deck? eg. will there be a chip added to the deck or will you be tuning it.
I have a 2008 mazda 3 and it had one of those Japanese 7 inch dvd deck, works great and most of it is in English but it does sound distorted at extreme volumes.[/QUOTE
You need to add a small amp to your system to prevent the distortion. Thats normal for a factory head unit.

He's not doing anything internally to the head unit, hes testing the volume at which the signal from the head unit clips(distorts) and so tells you what's the safest volume you can play your head unit at without distortion.

Im very happy this type of service is being offered. I'm fed up with people who dont know what theyre doing playing their music till it distorts and thinks it sounds amazing.

At $200 its a good idea to have it done if you have an aftermarket audio system to get the most accurate crossover between your speakers and to prolong the life of your speakers and amps.
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Good stuff. This is what differentiates a small well tuned system versus a big system that isn't tuned. The smaller system will sound better over the more powerful system.
If only other people shared this view. A well thought out system designed with speakers that play together naturally in the intended use to begin with is a good step and makes the job a lot easier to tune.

Processing is hrsvily underrated locally. Imagine people telling me they dont use equalizers anymore, its to 3 band preamp and thats tuning for some.
A three band preamp. Lol. What a mess.
I personally use a 7band clarion preamp for further processing after the head unit and amps.
A three band preamp. Lol. What a mess.
I personally use a 7band clarion preamp for further processing after the head unit and amps.

You should hear what those people call clean mids and highs...

I only use a Parametric EQ and the crossover on the deck, works for my simple system but I like having the option available by the OP if I should ever need it to get the crossover tuned properly.
noisemaker boiiiiii sounding rell clean bro!! excellent work, and them prices reall good! i hadda check yuh ah day bro!

when i finally get the time to install my music, is tune boi tune!! (in senses of the word xD) lmao!