Bushfires in the Dry Season


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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
There is alot more than expected in the number of cases that the fire officers have battled with this dry season. There are so much fires in nothern trinidad that they cannot attend to but it's causing deforestation and damage to the mountains. Even on the highways this past month, bushfires at the side of the road and between the lanes caused accidents. Even Wicked residents throw their cigarette butts into the bushes to get kicks not knowing it catches ablaze and cause harm to others. People be careful and conscious about your surroundings. If you see anyone threatened by this epidemic please help them in anyway u can. Anyone know what the government is doing to alleviate it?
yea karr the i have been seeing alot of bush fires mainly on the high ways i always taught some body lit it up but thats would just be stupid. Could you imagine the heat of the sun starting bush fires this taught alone scares me
There's been a few where I live. It's so common to have isolated small fires. Sometimes I get worried that it will spread to the whole hillside. Not that many people live in the bush here so they dont seem concerned.
I recently saw a large one burning on the highway between Mausica and Trinicity.. it was burning really wild. it looked like it would threaten the structure nearby.
yep... i mean the government should atleast before the rainy season spray the grass or cut it to prevent bush fires ...these things can cause serious accidents
This will probably be a big problem this year because of the shortage of rain right now. Hopefully citizens will report out-of-control bush fires and other people won't start any by burning garbage etc.
Yep....just hope that they control what is going on up in the mountains before this thing start destroyin ecosystems
Last Sunday, there was a bush fire and it creep up and burn down a wooden house.... Luckly the family was not at home.... Father , mother , ten year old son and 10 months old baby... I heard they were awarded 10,000 by the government and the nearby grocery gave them mattress etc... So they may better off soon... But bush fires are very scary and now that there's no water around, its ever more hard...
I am so sorry for the family because it must be hard raising a new born especially when you lost everything ..It is good what the government did but more can be donated
Hmm...raising a new born baby is hard enough, to do it in those conditions...I hope everything works out for them. Kudos to the grocery for donating.
If i owed a grocery boy i wudda donate real things to them...
some burn d bushes near to dem for safety!!! a man was murdered in brasso an d area has no street lights an its real dismal so yesterday d entire area was set ablaze to clear d bushes, d road bad so wen u driving slowly.... someone can jump out d bush an......u guess
So Um Right Now Right Around Our House Have Bush Fire and No1. We Have No Water Cuz Water Gone 2. We Called The Fire Service and they said they have one truck and it gone out so my uncle cane field burning down which he does make his income from and well we trying right now with sand and different remedies for it to out
sad!!! yesterday an today comin home ah had to drive wit meh lights on at about 5:10 pm!!! smoky an dusty
It having fires daily now, more than usual. I'm thinking the majority of large ones are because of dotish people thinking they they could get away with it. Like up by me the mountain sides always having fires where people don't live, like some farmers trying a ting and don't know what they doing. fires spread quickly and is not only the affected by it, they could burn down other peoples house and crops, even the forest.
today ah saw dogs lookin through d ash for tings to eat...plz ppl put out a water bowl for d birds on d roof plz....an any scraps of food
Yes some of these fires are started naturally from the heat of the sun when it hits things like glass and cigarette packs in the bush but a large majority of them are started by idiots that just don't have anything better to do.There was a really bad one in the Freeport area yesterday with thick dark smoke covering the highway and you can't even venture up to the lookout over Port of Spain and take a good picture cause the entire area is just hazy.

Don't know what's the logic behind the people that do these things,if they think they must burn down what we have now so that 'fresh' vegetation can spring up when the rainy season starts or they just get a thrill from seeing fire burning down everything.With less vegetation and more smoke in the atmosphere no wonder the place is getting hotter everyday then we complain about how the place is too hot but don't stop to ask ourselves,why?
Yeh, I put a little ice in my dog's water just to make it a little cooler for her. I feel sorry for the animals out there who are suffering in this weather. No water in my area for the last two days.
We going without water for 4 days now and its horrible. The last time bush fire ravaged the land in the back of us my parrot was suffocating because he usually does be in the back taking the breeze..and also my dogs we covered in ashes..i took them one time and bathed all