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Jun 9, 2008
What do you rather books or movie and why..

Well first of all i choose books because:

-Reading excersises the brain
-Books have the real story not movies
-When you read a book you can imagine your own picture to it and let your imagination set free whilst in a movie everything is made up and you have to go along with it.
-In a movie you hav to figure out what someone is thinking and in a book they tells you exactly how someone is feeling inside and everything is laid out in detail for you.
-Sure movies are fun and i like them too but i like to use my brain cells thank you lol
-Reading gives you practice to write
-Reading opens your mind
-Books are interesting and holds alot of things you cant even imagine
-Books are life keepers
movies :p cuz books borin n uncool movies is d shit :p real time action n suspense sound effects n thing books u hav 2 waste time 2 visualise d sound effects n wa goin n take place ..........4 eg. u want to learn how to make a speaker u read a book (manual) but speaker turned out wrong o_O watch a video of how 2 make a speaker n well :icon_cheesygrin: comes out perfect....... but .yea u should choose books cuz i got a 3 in eng....well 2 actually....was hard :icon_cry2: lol i couldnt write got an A 4 understanding n a D for expression in profile........twice....but i got a 2 in comm so fire 4 da... :icon_eek:
Books aren't all manuals dude... I find you can fit more into a book. Check lord of the rings the movie was epic in lenght but still had to leave out alot of action. Crazyfuz needs to find a good book lol. Both have their things yes . Karina and Crazyfuz said it all yes. lol.
FOMG crazyfuz ... u still living ???

Great to see u .... well actually see what u write ... heh heh heh
btw ... books ...

want proof .... read needful things by stephen king ... then watch the movie ....

the book gives u more info on charcaters , backgrounds etc sup yea long time was in some real gamin na plus i d 4got my pass :( lol but im back :) oh yea btw i dont really care bout d backround of d character n well i gues it has sum 2 do wit sequence cuz if u watch the movie 1st b4 d book it would seem as if d book adds extra characteristics 2 d character its like readin manga n watchin d anime...:p anime is way better its real time other than suddenly :-o bam :-o o crix went d cracker when he stepped on it:-o rotfl i kno bad eg
in books u get more detail and explained story line. movie is just a 2hr adaption of the book, so some stuff might be left out soo yaa. i go wif book
Yeah but the ironic thing is that everyone still goes for the movie lol
lol, sometimes u dont really get the time to sit and read a book in piece. soo best if u hit up the cine and get a nice visual of the movie, and get a half bake idea of wat the book is about lol. lmao. i dont read, my gf reads to me. lol
i prefer books because well, the books come before the movie and they have the actual plot unlike in a movie where they switch stuff up!
i ik movie bc i luv 2 see da plot come out...i dont lik 2 read & imagine how it come out...
Books or Movie

Good books dont leave much to the imagination. Just check out all those creative writing tutorials online. Good books invoke and maintain the imagery and pace. Even in simple english like hemmingway who was known for overly simplistic but direct writing or the compact and dense wording of modern scifi writers good writing is universal in how it sucks you in and maintains the illusion. It allows you intimate knowledge of characters thoughts and motivation that cant be translated to into a screen play or any dramaticsization. Some things are even better left to the imagination especially scary stuff the fact that you cant conceptualise stuff like that makes it way cooler than the constriction that comes with filming and editing.
Good entertainment in any sense does only one thing it doesnt tell you what's happening it SHOWS you. It cant be a scientific paper lol it makes an impact on you emotionally and pretty much does whatever it wants with you. Thats the way we like it. lol.
Books also gives people inspiration to imagine themselves wherever they want to be and also to read more and enhance their vocabulary and also speak properly...people say books are shit and they rather watch the movie but do a movie say how a character feels inside to realate to them more and know how they feel so it will make the story more interesting.....i think not!
PLUS! books help build your vocabulary and let's you experience different language techniques and writing mechanisms where as in a movie all you hear is dialogue.
ah doh read books coz ah does get if ah hav to read one it mush have alot ah pics..luv movies....MOVIES FOR ME!!!
i also like both however i am so caught up in the books that when the movies come out for them i cannot help but be disappointed at some .
i'll prefer to read a book than look at a movie. most of the times books are more detailed than a movie. books are so awesome in many ways. they improve can improve writing skills, vocab etc! i just love books!
I have always been a fan of movies rather than books. In movies, you get to see everything; reading is not really fun compared to watching.