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Sep 10, 2008
do you think because a man shaves his legs likes to model but his profession is a cook and he has a girl friend and he says that he does not support bisexuality but on another chance his dream profession would be a male dancer, do you think he may be bisexual or he may be normal.
yes am serious and am finding out for my friend she is having doubts about him she really wants to know.
Thats not much info to make any diagnosis lol. The only way to figure it out is to find out if this man is into other men. If he's just effeminate it doesnt nessisarily mean he's gay, it just means he's into his feminine side. lol. The single two things are if he acts like a woman- having a womans mannerisms and if he feels aroused by or attracted to men. Lots of men dance and cook but they'd never get it on with another man.
I guess your friend would be the only one to answer that... She must notice the way he talks, walks, the way he speaks about female issue or the way he may talk about men.... If he is covering it up, it would not last too long to find out.. U may notice he may drift away from u, liming more with his guy's friends doing more male stuff rather than being with ur friend...
He does everything like a man walk, talk etc. she says he works a lot and dont see her much but when he gets time off he spends some with her but he also spends time with his male friend he says that they are not best friends but he seems to know where he is when she does not. I told her that maybe because he grew up with his mother and sister he might have a feminine side, but twice she said that his friend had made a bad joke, and when she told him about his friend he got a little defensive.
being a pansexual is soo much better than being bi. :icon_cheesygrin: oo im not gay im just scene/pansexual
what the hell is a pansexual are you some kind of freak something, this one i got to hear!!
why dont you jus answer the questions strait and stop beating me around the bush and give a proper view of my issue, weirdo
I have gained a new definition of fear and confusion... :| you scare me. Just kiddin.
Somethings wrong with me... i think i'm celebate both ways. lol. kiddin again.
I dont understand pansexuality... could you explain it.
i have been asking him to answer me that question i guess he does not even know he probably made it up to hear what we would come up with but am blank i could only say what!!!!!!!!!!!
oo u ppl harsh :icon_cry2: the term pansexual generally is used for a person who does not classify their sexuality with a person's sex, but their gender. They believe that there is a set difference between sex and gender - gender being the socially constructed condition of being male or female, and sex being the biological condition of male or female.

"People who are pansexual may be attracted to various different forms of romance, and may be aroused by various different acts of sex on a carnal level. Some suggest that pansexuality is more accurately described by its adepts: human- or person-oriented. Despite a person who is pansexual's fluid sexuality, some may have a preference. A person who is pansexual may be attracted to all genders and sexes, but have a preference, (for example) for pre-operative transsexual people, other people who are pansexuals, masculine lesbians, intersexed people, etc."

ppl here really mean :icon_cry2: no one here nice to me :icon_sad:
brbk4498 said:
ppl here really mean :icon_cry2: no one here nice to me :icon_sad:
LOL Maybe u werent cutting to the right chase lol SORRY BRBK WE ARE SOWWIE THANKS FOR THE DEFINITION EVERYBODY GIVES BRBK A ROUND OF APPLAUSE :icon_lol: :icon_smile: :icon_surprised: :icon_cheesygrin:
.......When in doubt...clout an run

or Hire an attractive male "stripper" to hav a 3sum with an see who he enjoys more :D
Pansexuality, or omnisexuality[1] is a sexual orientation characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire for people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Thus, pansexuality includes potential attraction to people who do not fit into the gender binary of male/female. Some pansexuals suggest that they are gender-blind; that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.[2]

The word pansexual is derived from the Greek prefix pan-, meaning "all". In its simplest form, pansexuality denotes the potential of sexual attraction to all genders. It is intended to negate the idea of two genders (as expressed by bi-).

The adjective pansexual may also be applied to organizations or events. In this context, the term usually indicates an openness to the involvement of people of all genders and sexual orientations in said organization/event, and not to the pansexual sexual identity.