BEWARE: Crime In Trinidad

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
It is with great misfortune I create this thread. I would like to remind everyone to be safe wherever their endeavours may take them.

On Sunday May 17th, some of my relatives were almost robbed at 6pm at Caura River. They were sanctioned at the isolated spot opposing the church, near the corner of the road where 3 African males were seen from very early in the morning prowling the area. These men kept monitoring the activity of my relatives throughout the day and no doubt other visitors to the area. They were very good at being unseen as there was one account of a man who walked around the vans and was glimpsed by one person from down hill but quickly disappeared by the time anyone got up the hill.
Around 6pm, a tip off was received by my relatives that the three men were approaching their spot on foot and by their actions seemed to have intentions of robbing. All of the men headed up to where their vans were parked and were met by the 3 men... One of my relatives broke two glass bottles in front of the men and at that point the men flew into a rage and started to throw multiple cases of racial phrases. One such phrase being "When indian drink rum they does get dotish"... Further details are unknown but it said that the police happened to be passing at the same time and were stopped by one of my relatives.

I urge everyone who will come across this thread to take your health and safety with utmost seriousness and care. It should be a priority as we are all victims of some kind or form to the horrid crime that has managed to plague our country. Hats off to the police who were doing their duty on that day.

However, let it be known that where there is police presence, it does not guarantee safety and the areas that you feel may be safe may very well be just the opposite and vice versa.
A woman I know narrowly avoided a dangerous situation two days ago. She was traveling within the Princes Town area from one location to another relatively close location in a taxi. Alone in the car, the driver kept looking at her in the rear view mirror and smiling at her and as they approached her stop, he ignored her requests to stop and sped up, keeping the doors locked and continually looking at her and smiling. She began screaming and cursing loudly, drawing the attention of people nearby as the vehicle slowed in traffic until the driver was forced to stop to let her out quite some distance away from her intended location to avoid attention from people nearby. As she returned to her small business, she lamented that she was so fearful she did not take note of the license plate or remember a description of the driver or car to make a report and regrets that this crime will be forgotten and the perpetrator free to target others.
Wow! She might remember if she's sees the car again.

That is quite a story! what is going on with locals these days... That is why I do not travel. Its either the driver is criminal or the other passengers are.
This is not the first time I've heard something like this happening in South. Even if you get an "H" taxi, you can never be 100% sure because anyone can apply for it and get through. She has to travel very far to her business place every day and to get anywhere she has to go so I can only imagine her fear after such an experience, having no choice but to trust taxis and maxis for transport again. A pregnant friend was robbed in a maxi just earlier in the year as well, and the same day one of her relatives were robbed in another maxi. It looks like you have to watch your back with every other person you meet now.
I've seen how some of these "H" drivers operate, they bad drive and then their reaction to your reaction is very criminal/aggressive... Another thing is that when people are robbed of jewelry for instance, the thief actually enters a maxi, sits next to someone and pulls out a rag with the jewelry asking for small money for the piece...
I've seen how some of these "H" drivers operate, they bad drive and then their reaction to your reaction is very criminal/aggressive... Another thing is that when people are robbed of jewelry for instance, the thief actually enters a maxi, sits next to someone and pulls out a rag with the jewelry asking for small money for the piece...

I had not heard of that one yet! I know that you're supposed to be wary of people that pipe out plenty jewelry and electronics quickly and discreetly. I think most legit places that buy jewelry for instance, would take down the seller's ID etc as a precaution though so someone can innocently purchase a stolen item and end up being held responsible for theft when trying to sell it back.
Apparently alot of ex-convicts are taxi drivers and construction workers. I will never travel in a south taxi. From chag to south , there are very questionable drivers. Too many times i have been hearing about rape and robberies when people traveling to south. Please be careful.
Lol I live in South so sometimes I have no choice. Odd that there are statements being released on crime decreasing and South seems to be taking over the media with crime stories lately!

Tbh I wouldn't judge an ex-con as many people are falsely accused, framed, defending themselves in life and death situations, etc and some really do try to blend back into society as hard working honest people. If I intentionally seek out the next Hannibal Lector then I'm trouble though! lol

I find a vast number of crimes (that are investigated thoroughly and solved) are done by first time offenders. I don't feel any safer around someone just because they've never been to jail. As far as I know, the most dangerous criminals are often the ones that never get caught or the ones handling the paperwork or contacts and have others doing their dirty work and taking the fall for them. I am extremely cautious wherever I go regardless of someone's history. These days everybody has to watch their back all the time.

Here in Trinidad the ex-cons i know remain the same and committing the same crimes . It's never different as we do not have proper rehabilitation programs for people.

Chaguanas is the same with rape and robberies. However, since Johnny Abraham took over Central, SOME of them has eased up.
Yes I think so as well... They come out of the cell with the same mentality, without proper rehabilitation we probably will not see a lot of change if anything actually worth noting.
I don't hold one above the other. I know innocent people who have been jailed and I know people who have allegedly committed crimes and continue to do so who have never been caught. You never can tell with people.
You can tell, if you look closely enough and arent afraid to make a few assumptions to see which indicators will align with the behaviour. From the smallest and finest details to the biggest, thats usually the tell tale.
Sorry i don't mean to offend anyone but i sterotype people if i don't know them alot ! It's better i do this and be safe . They can be how nice but pal,, is better i go with my guts and look for the slightest clue to stay away from you .
I exercise caution wherever I am regardless of who I am with. Sometimes it's people you wouldn't expect because they seem normal or nice and they could turn out worse than the people who actually look like criminals. If the only criminals were people who looked shady it would make it a lot easier to avoid kwim? A lot of people that experience crime often linger on phrases like "but they looked so normal" "he seemed like such a nice guy" "he looked like everybody else, I barely noticed him" etc.
People let their guard down at the signal of certain cues... It takes a lot of fine detail and following the instincts 100% of the way to avoid getting chained up by criminals as some of them are very convincing or portray a character very very well. In fact, I feel the most dangerous criminals walk the street among us and drive among us as well, we just don't realize it since they are often holders of power and prestige.

I remember reading an article some years ago which basically spoke about how the corrupt heads are successful in fooling society to blame only the people engaging in black collar crime, basically the article said its society's ideology when the small man selling his drug/holding his gun gets arrested and taken off the street. But there is no focus on the white collar aspects of the crime whereby the drugs and guns that are given/sold to these small men on the street are actually accessed through someone in high places.

When I thought about it I found that was true since the article also had points dealing with you remove the supplier who is the professional behind the corruption and you have no more of his men and then theres less small men walking the street doing the crime.

In less words, its the suit and tie man with the powerful position that no one suspects.
I avoid nearly everyone, some family included. Maybe thats why i have no friends or a social life ? LOL!

But i have learnt that anyone can be a criminal, even the tanty down the road. My cousin was killed by younger boys trying to be a peacemaker when a fight broke out. We was innocently killed . So from small i have learnt to stay away and be better off !

Crime happens everywhere, anywhere , no specific time or situation!
I not so sure about the not having friends part but other than that you have a point. Its spontaneous and really and truly when you are taken up in a task you won't focus a lot of attention to spot the very minor details.
Just thought I'd add this in: someone I know was scammed recently by a "quiet, scared looking, shy schoolgirl". Not criminal or dangerous looking at all!

I agree with nirtime's point. No one considers corrupt priests, politicians, and teachers "criminals". They are just "in jail" or "have been jail". I know people that are stereotyped because they are big in size and unless they are in a suit and tie, are judged as having a "criminal" appearance despite being honest, hardworking people. It's too easy for people to get away with things because they don't fit our stereotypes of what a criminal should look like IMO. In terms of higher ups getting away, I believe many of the biggest criminals have smaller people taking the fall for them so they remain unscathed. Worse yet if they have the law in their back pocket so to speak.
Oh i consider them alright and people need to, especially the ones that are influential leaders, elders , businessmen and religious leaders , they are the BIGGEST !

Some people need to learn that even the quiet ones can be criminals and that is why i have no kind of friends. Me and a close person was almost killed after being held up by a quiet fellow in the Library. I always remember these words , TRUST NO ONE !
I exercise a lot of caution with everyone I meet. No social life, but I've been safe since! In one of the places I lived, I was robbed (thankfully not home at the time) in addition to a series of nearby houses. Everyone claimed that a drug dealer was behind it and his accomplices were other youths in the area. Guess who the alleged drug dealer was? My next door neighbor's son who used to watch us a lot (thought he was just nosy)! In secondary school at the time too! The accomplices that were identified were around his age and younger! Not gangsta looking at all either eh lol